20 | a broken wolf

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Not Edited. Guys...one more chapter until part one of Beautiful Redemption is finished. Also, little reminder, since it's been awhile, that Paul Wesley plays Tate. So, that's him and Clara in the gif above.

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     Clara tugged on the heavily packed suitcase as she hopped down each step of the stairway. Once she reached the living room, she rolled her suitcase with the black duffel bag that slumped against the wooden wall. Sighing, the brunette tightened her ponytail and looked around the room, now realizing how dull it looked. There were no photos hanging on the wall, no beautiful wallpaper peeling off the wall, and only a few pieces of furniture scattered around. It didn't looked like someone lived here considering how clean and tidy it was. Then again, for the past few months Clara was barely at home and Tate had been MIA and out of town. Once more, Clara glanced at her luggage and felt something twisting in her stomach. 

     She knew leaving wasn't exactly a choice for her, but then again, everyone has a choice. She knew she had the choice to stay in Beacon Hills and spend a nearly four month summer with her best friends, but she jut couldn't do that. It wasn't possible for her to just relive her life as if she wasn't feeling this unavoidable guilt pilling up in her heart. Deep inside, Clara dreaded that she had to leave the home she fought so hard to have, but staying in this town, with her old friends, was only toxic. Clara needed to move on.


     Tate came through the unlocked front door, his eyes never leaving Clara's as he hung his warn-out jacket on the rack. He pushed up his sleeves and walked closer, glancing down at the packed bags next to Clara's feet. A frown settled on his lips, "You're about to leave?"

     A hefty sigh slipped from her mouth, her hands in her jean pockets. "Uh, yeah, yeah I am. All my stuff, well, all my important stuff, is packed and I'm just gonna' put them in the trunk. I have to admit, though, my room is a complete mess! I kind of left you to clean it up. Sorry."

     He chuckled, but it was half-heartily, "Yeah, yeah, I'll take care of it. I don't want this house to turn into a mess now that you're leaving." His throat tightened up and for a moment, there was just awkwardness. As Tate burned holes into the floor, Clara could help, but stare at him with pure sympathy. Not only was she leaving her friends, she was leaving Tate, who would now be alone and on his own.

     "You can come with me, you know?" Her head titled to the side, a soft and tiny smile pinching her lips. "There's nothing for you here in Beacon Hills."

     Tate smiled, almost bitterly. "Nah, I'm good. Beacon Hills has grown on me."

     "Grown on you?" She rose her eyebrows, "You hate small towns!"

     "Well, I was willing to live here in order to take care of you. I think it was worth it." Clara smiled weakly, his words sending warmth in her chest. Tate huffed loudly, tapping his foot anxiously against the floor. "Please just ― take care of yourself, Clara. Figure out all the shit you need to figure out and come home."

     Clara bit her lip and nodded, "I will, I promise. I just really need to sort out my life right now, Tate. I need to sort out myself."

     With one last shaky smile, Tate put his hand on the werewolf's shoulder, clasped it tightly, and smiled, broadly. "Your parents would be so proud of you, Clara. I'm proud of you."

Beautiful Redemption ━━ Teen Wolf [3] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now