25 | save my soul

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Not Edited. 

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     "Where the hell were you? I looked everywhere!" Clara grabbed Scott's shoulder and looked at him with wide eyes, panic seeping through every single one of her words. During their chase after whatever animal that was, the two werewolves found themselves split up and went off into two separate directions. Once realizing that her companion a.k.a her alpha, was nowhere to be seen, Clara retreated back into her original path and went looking for him. "Are you alright?"

     "Yeah, yeah, the animal we were chasing, it was a coyote!" exclaimed Scott, his chest heaving up-and-down as wild pants of air ripped its way through his throat. 

     The brunette gave him a look, "Yeah, I caught on to that."

     Not even seconds later, there other lanky friend, Stiles, was running towards them. Without asking the pair of werewolves anything, he looked at them intensely, "I think I found something." 

     "So did I."

     Clara and Scott proceeded to follow him to whatever location he had stumbled upon. The trio trudged up the massive slope, before finding the entrance way of a medium-sized cave where two humongous boulders had leaned against each other. Stiles kept his flashlight straight in front of him, making it easy for himself and the two others behind him to crawl through. The narrow and short-length cave wasn't anything special; the ground was smooth with dirt and dust while clasps of twigs peaked out of every crook and cranny. 

     "It's a coyote den." Stiles pointed out.

     Scott corrected him: "Werecoyote." 

     "You see this?" inquired Stiles as he reached down to pick up a puffed-up, blue winter coat with rainbow designs scattered subtly on it. Clara narrowed her eyes at the piece of clothing, her nose picking up the aging scent of forest and dog. Judging from the look of it, from the tears and holes, it had been in this cave for a while. 'This is Malia's. Remember, it's the same one she was wearing in the photo."

     Crouched down next to her, Scott slowly glanced around the molded rock structure and quietly stated, "We shouldn't be in here?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "She's not going to come back now. We just invaded her home." The Latino man answered, a tad bit of disappointment in his voice. "Our scent's going to be everywhere."

     "And animals don't return to their dens after potential predators enter their home." Clara gave a tight-lipped, sardonic smile. "Obviously, us forest creatures don't like visitors." 

     "If she's not going to come back here, where's she going to go?" Stiles questioned, sharing in his male best friend's dismay about now not knowing the werecoyote's future location. 

     The brunette girl shrugged, "No clue since there are about a thousand other places in the Beacon Hills preserve that she can reside in."

     "Can either of you track her now?" The teenage boy clothed in plaid asked, his stare switching between each werewolf. "You guys think you got her scent?"

     The newly transitioned Alpha heavily sighed, a long lasting frown settling on his pair of lips. "Maybe, but I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back. Clara?"

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