10 | the lost of another

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After Scott and Stiles scurried out of school after being informed that Deaton was taking, possibly the next sacrifice, Clara was left alone. But lucky enough, Isaac and Boyd abruptly cornered her by her locker and stated their plan for the Alpha tonight. The Alphas, most likely just Kali, were arriving tonight since Ennis died. It was either join the pack or be killed; the choice was up to Derek. But of course, Derek wasn't even considering joining the all star pack. 

"I can't come with." Clara stated while placing her notebook and books into her locker.

Isaac shared a look with Boyd before crossing his arms and quirking an eyebrow. "Excuse me? What do you mean you can't."

"It's my first day back and it wouldn't exactly help me catch up by skipping." She retorted back.

"Meet us at the loft if you change your mind." Boyd remarked before the two walked away, pushing open the entrance doors and leaving.

Clara bit her lip, pondering the idea of helping Isaac and Boyd alpha-proof the loft. While today was suppose to be her first day back, a day where she would rejoin and get back into normality, protecting Derek seemed like a bigger priority. So, Clara packed up her bag and left, speeding off in Derek's Camaro. It wasn't her car but Derek had lent it to her for school since he never really leaves the loft that much.

When Clara swung open the door to the loft, the three werewolves' attention went to her. Isaac, who was sitting on the edge of the table, smirked. "Look who showed up, the maid."

"Hello." Clara sarcastically greeted, walking down the stairs and to them. "Not the maid. But you should be, you would look nice in a dress, Lahey."

"You came." Boyd pointed out.

"Yeah, to help you with your big plan." She said, crossing her arms. "So what exactly are you going to do to my loft."

Derek rose his eyebrows. "Your loft?"

"Our loft." The werewolf rolled her eyes before looking at Isaac. "What's the plan?"

"Boyd here has a plan." Isaac said before flipping aimlessly through the pages of a book.

In return, Boyd went down to his knees and zipped open his red gym bag. "Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that." His hands then grasped and lifted up a large ring of cable wires, red and black cords, that were bundled up together. "But on a bigger scale."

Clara nodded, looking in deep thought. "Okay, so how exactly is this going to work?"

A long, green hose was then lifted up from the bag as Boyd walked over and screwed the end to the water-handle, making the clear liquid shoot up the rubber hose and spurt out at the top. "In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human." He dropped the hose, turning back to the other three who had walked over near him. "Less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb."

"That's comforting." Derek muttered, shrugging his shoulders as he glanced at his two betas. He still wasn't getting the big picture here and wasn't fond of flooding his loft either.

"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in here," He then smirked, gleefully. "They'll get a pretty shocking surprise."

"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac remarked, moving next to Derek and Clara on one of the wooden beams that was higher than the floor. 

Clara leaned against the wall, her brown orbs drifting to the water that was slowly filling the floor. A feeling inside her gut was telling her that tonight was going to end badly. But her mind fortunately reassured her, saying softly that this idea that Boyd miraculously came up with was solid. As minutes past, Clara grew more anxious once her mind wandered back to Deaton being MIA. 

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