07 | head vs heart

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        HEAD VS. HEART

        Clara stumbled down the hallway, struggling to hold a barely conscious Derek while walking. Back in the parking lot, Clara basically had to drag Derek into the apartment complex and to the elevator. None of the neighbors in the building came out to see what was happening but then again, Clara wasn't quite sure if Derek even had neighbors. 

        Once Clara reached the loft door, she quickly slid it open. While she did have her werewolf strength to help her support Derek as he leaned against her body but obviously, Derek was a lot heaver than her. She groaned, sore from holding Derek up, and glanced up at him and his wound. "Derek, you're not healing and it doesn't look like you're gonna start now. I should be taking you to a hospital."

        "No, no hospital." He breathed out, his eyes fluttering.

        "I can't-"

        Without notice, Clara's arm went limp and Derek tumbled down the few steps of stairs. Clara rushed to his side, getting on her knees as she began to panic. "Derek! Derek! Oh God..."

        Clara sucked in a deep breath before grabbing Derek's arm and wrapping it around her neck, pulling Derek up. The Lennon girl was able to drag him to his bed before letting Derek collapse on top of it, now lying down.

        With shaking hands, Clara grabbed the bottom of Derek's ripped shirt and pulled it up, revealing his wounded chest. Three clean-cut and deep claw marks went across his entire torso, fresh blood still dripping out. Derek looked at Clara through his half-open eyes. "H-How bad?"

        "Um, well, you're bleeding black blood and you basically look like a breathing corpse." Sarcasm was masking her fear but once Clara saw the paleness sinking into Derek's face, her panic was rising. "Oh, God, you're not dying, are you? Derek, please don't die. Derek!"

        Not knowing what else to do, Clara gently placed her head over his heart, thankfully hearing the faint heartbeats. She let out a sigh of relief, chuckling to herself. "I'm gonna need therapy after this."

✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘  

       Clara leaned against the glass window, staring at the twinkling diamonds in the sky. She hasn't realized that night had come rather quickly, too soon. Derek had fallen unconscious and it was now hours later since she found him. Well, more like he found her. She didn't know what to do, whether to call Scott and the others or to just let Derek rest.

        A soft panting groan caught Clara in the midst of her thoughts. She glanced over and saw that Derek was sitting up, completely shirtless yet his wounds nowhere near healing, and trying to stand. "You sure you want to do that?" Clara asked, turning to him as she crossed her arms.

       "I have to find the others. They think I'm dead." 

        Clara rose her eyebrows. "I know. I did too." Inside her head, she cursed to herself, not meaning her voice to sound that angry. "Besides, everyone is at a cross-country meet."

        Now, it was his turn to be silent. Clara hesitantly walked over and knelled in front of him, looking straight into his eyes. "How do we fix you up?"

        "Time." Derek paused, gathering his thoughts. "Clara, I...I want to apologize."

        "Derek, don't-"

        "No, I have too." He sternly said, silencing her. "I know that it was my fault we broke up. I didn't realize that at first but I do know. I'm sorry. I'm the reason you left town."

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