18 | art of perfecting

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AUTHOR'S NOTE; Not edited. Trigger warning, the last scene of the chapter is where Stiles has his panic attack and the scene is in his perceptive, in a way. It's a very descriptive representation of a typical panic attack, so if you have terrible anxiety or have had a panic attack then I suggest you do not read it. If you choose to not read it then just read the author's note where I have summarized the scene for you in a non-descriptive way. Thank you!

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     Clara was trying to help.

     It seemed that ever since she was forced to return to Beacon Hills, Clara's been desperately trying to help. She's felt disconnected from everyone in Beacon Hills for a long time and in a way, she still felt like that. Clara constantly felt like she had to be some sort of hero in order to win her way back into her friend's inner circle. Whether or not they would admit it, they were still pretty angry with her. Stiles, Scott, Derek, Allison, all of them still pissed that she would just leave without a thought of how it would effect them. A part of her wished she could travel back in time and stay in Beacon Hills, but on the other hand, those four months away from them helped her come to terms with the fact she was at fault for her entire family's death.

     But right now wasn't about Clara, right now it was about Cora. The dying werewolf lied on Derek's large bed back in his loft, her chest violently heaving and a black substance pooling out of her mouth and her nose. Clara sat on the bed next to Cora, her legs comfortably crossed. She continued to gently dab the Hale's sweating forehead with a cold, damp towel. On the other side of the bed was Derek, who sat on a chair with his hands tightly cupped together and his eyes intensely staring at his sister. Peter sat on the top of the spiral staircase, not really bothering anyone would his presence. Derek's first beta Issac stood off to the side, distress painted across his face.

     After Jennifer took Melissa and Scott joined Deucalion, Stiles and her woke up Derek, who had still be unconscious in the elevator. While Derek and Clara found Cora and took her back to the loft, Stiles decided to stay behind and hold off the police for as long as he could.  

     Issac anxiously tapped his foot, glancing between his Alpha and Cora, "She's dying, isn't she?"

     "I don't know." Derek simply answered, but everyone knew the real answer was yes. Clara was not some specialized werewolf nurse who knew her way around the werewolf anatomy, but she definitely knew a dying werewolf when she sees one. Mistletoe was coursing through Cora's entire body as they speak, slowly and painfully poisoning her bloodstreams. Despite Cora being a physically strong girl, the only way she could survive from this was if all of the mistletoe was extracted from her body, or if she got an extra boost of power so that her heart could fight the venom. From what it looked like, neither of those things were going to happen any time soon. 

     Derek's answer didn't seem to satisfied Issac at all, "So what are you going to do?"

     "I don't know."

     "Want to figure something out? Because while Scott, Stiles, and Clara were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer." Issac voice only grew angrier, his entire persona frustrated and distressed. Clara knew, well hoped, that Issac wouldn't say anything he would regret later, but she knew a fight was brewing between him and the older Hale. "Do you get how many people she's killed? Erica and Boyd are dead, Cora is dying, and you are doing nothing! Why'd you do this to us, Derek? Was it all about the power? Were you bored? Were you lonely?"

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