The mission

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Sonic pov: Of course right when I wake up Eggman has to show up at my place. Can he just open he's eyes for once than he would know he will never have a chance to beat us. Ugh why can't he just give up. I get out of bed and dash where Eggman was. Took you long enough faker Shadow said. Ugh whatever let's just get this done. These robots are no match to me I say dashing through all of them. Hey don't take all the fun I want some action to Knuckles said smiling. Okay fine you can have some action I said in a nice way. After fighting off all the robots Eggman ran away like usual to make another plan to try to kill us. I'm going back to my house guys bye. Really already come on have some fun in your life Amy said. Fine...okay I'll join you guys but just for a little bit. I guess me too Shadow said walking back to my friends and me. So what are we going to do I say in a grumpy way. Maybe we should watch a romantic movie Amy said looking at me. I think am good I want to do something with running. I know wanna race Shadow beach and back. I would love to beat you again. Last time wasn't fair you cheated. How did I cheat faker huh.What- Whatever I'll beat you this time. I'll start the count down Tails said looking excited. 3...2..1..Go!! Me and shadow are both neck by neck but all the sudden my heart was going so fast and I couldn't stop looking at Shadows beautiful eyes. Ha I win faker...faker! Huh what oh sorry I was zoning out. I'm going to go home I'm pretty tired now. Awww I guess Amy said.

Sonic pov: that was so weird why did my heart beat so fast when I was looking at Shadow why was I looking at him anyways. But he's eyes were so pretty wait Sonic what am I saying. Maybe I am tired I should probably just get some sleep and I'll be good. I hope so... After I took a bubble bath I went straight to my bed to go to sleep and maybe I would forget all about the race with Shadow... but hours have passed and I didn't even know it was 2:00 already. I did everything to try to go to sleep every single attempt was a fail after another I said to myself I really am going to have a rough night today.

Tails pov: That was weird maybe shadow knows what happen to Sonic. I hope nothing happen maybe there was a fight between them when they were racing I don't know I should probably ask Shadow if that happen. Tails buddy you good Knuckles said. Huh oh ya I was just wondering if Sonic is okay. Of corse he is don't worry about him he's probably just pissed on loosing against Shadow again that's all. You're right Knuckles I'm probably just being dramatic Sonic is fine. Ya have fun now with me and sticks! Okay let me just get a drink of water first. Okay buddy take your time! Will do now where is Shadow I can't be the only one that saw Sonic look red and tired he had to see that too. If he doesn't know than maybe I am crazy I just have to make sure before I have fun with Knuckles and sticks and everyone else.

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