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Sonic pov: It's been 2 weeks since Shadow got badly injured, but guess what Shadow has two more days left in the hospital! I can't wait to hug him and he's smile I'm gonna love seeing him smile at me every single day, oh how much I missed him during during these  past 2 weeks.

         "Sonic are you ready to see Shadow?" Knuckles said. "Yeah I'll be right there Knuckles"   

     "Oh okay buddy"  Knuckles said with a small smile. I saw Knuckles leave my room and he cracked the door a bit just how I like it. "I'm so glad I met them I don't know what I would do without everyone"

"Well will you look at that it's time to go I said looking at my phone"  I dash outside and I saw everyone smiling at me. " You ready Sonic" Tails said to me. "Yeah let's go see Shadow!!"

       "Yeah!!" Everyone said at the same time.

After running to the hospital
for 25 miles

Sonic pov: When I saw the hospital I dashed through the door and asked the girl in the front if I could see Shadow The Hedgehog. " Of course you can but one at a time" The girl said with a smile. "You can go first Sonic we know how much you care about Shadow even though you guys are rivals" Amy said with a weak smile. " Thanks Ames" I said hugging her I bet she was blushing when I hugged her back, but I didn't care because I was use to it.

"I'll be going guys see you soon!" I said smiling so much and then dashing to his room.

I finally got to Shadow's room and I just looked through the window to see if he was awake or not, which he was awake. I was hesitated to open the door because all the bad thoughts came crashing to my mind of him getting hurt because of me.

"Are you gonna come in my room or your just gonna stand outside like your not there faker"

I quickly looked up to see Shadow in front of me that feeling again in my heart came back when I looked into his ruby eyes.

"I- umm" Shit I don't know what to say to him.

" Can you stop blaming yourself that I got hurt because of you it's annoying seeing you like this" Shadow said looking at me kinda frustrated. But before Shadow could say anything else I pulled his him closer to me and I started to kiss him on the lips. Oh how much I missed he's soft lips on mine.

"Sorry Shadow I just missed kissing you and hugging you.... I just wanna claim you as mine..."

"Don't worry you already claimed me a long time ago, but you idiot I was not ready for that kiss you should of warned me first"

I looked at Shadow and he looked so flustered and I can tell he was blushing which made me laugh at him of how cute he looked like that.

"Aww Shads no need to be nervous haha"

"Shut up faker I'm not nervous you're the one that's always nervous because you know you will  never be on top."

"Okay fine you got me there I'm gonna go so my friends can talk with you too" I said trying to change the topic because if I didn't that would have been embarrassing for me.

"Wait before you leave Sonic don't forget that tomorrow is a special day for you"

" A special day?....for me?"
"Forget it just go away I wanna see that little fox already Sonic"

"Okay see you later Shads" I said winking at him before dashing to the lobby where my friends were. I never knew Shadow had a soft spot for Tails that's so cute.

"Hey buddy, Shadow wants to see you next he wants to see if everything is okay with you not me"
"Hey I bet he was probably thinking about you too he was the one that went off to save you first not me, anyways I'm going to he's room Sonic see you later!"

"Yep see you later buddy..."

2 hours later

Sonic pov: Since everyone was done talking to Shadow we all finally left the hospital and went home.

"Hey Sonic you should go get some rest we can clean up the rest of the house" Amy said smiling at me.

"Oh okay well have a good sleep guys"
"You to Sonic " Knuckles said with a big smile on he's face. Well that was weird it's still 7:00 I guess they really are worried about my health how kind of them.

I wonder what Shadow means by tomorrow is a  special day for me? There's nothing special tomorrow? Well I just can't wait to see Shadow tomorrow again.

"Good night guys..."

Next day

Sonic pov:  "Wake up Sonic!!" I heard from the other side of my door . I sat up from my bed and looked at my phone to see what time it was...9:00 shoot I over slept! I said sprinting to the kitchen to see if everyone was there still.

"Geez took you awhile Birthday boy" Knuckles said. "What do you mean Birthday boy?"

"It's your birthday Sonic don't you remember?" Amy said hugging me from the back.  Shit I forgot it was my birthday today "Oh sorry I kinda forgot it was my birthday hehe"

"Typical Sonic like always" Tails said rolling he's eyes. "Anyways we have a special surprise for you Sonic" Sticks said patting me on the back.
" You guys didn't have to give me present."

" Yes we did Sonic you have been the best leader to us and the best hero I ever met in my whole entire life so you better take the present I think you're gonna love it!" Tails said.

"Aww thanks for all the sweet words you guys group hug!" I guess that means I'm not gonna see Shadow today that's okay maybe he needs his rest from yesterday.


"That must be your present Sonic would you like to open the door" Knuckles said bowing his head like I was a prince.

I wonder what it could possibly be I said in my head before turning the nob to see someone in front of the door. I looked up from the ground only to see a black and red hedgehog. I came rushing to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Happy birthday Sonic, but didn't I tell you something special was going to happen tomorrow." I couldn't say anything at that moment I just couldn't let go of him it felt so good to see him not in the hospital he looked so healthy now I was just so happy to see him as his usual self.

"This is the best gift ever guys thank you so much" I said grabbing Shadow's hand so I can hold his hand.

"Ready guys 1....2....3    Happy Birthday Sonic!!"

1 Month later

Everyone was happy for Shadow being healthy specially Sonic. Shadow gained back his energy and now he can do chaos control again. Everyone knows about Sonic and Shadow being together and the whole group has a happily ever after life together.   



I hoped you liked  my story sorry if some parts didn't make since to you guys just letting you know I am a young writer so if you guys didn't understand the story that much I'm sorry I promise Ill get better at grammar. Also thanks for all the support 1k readers wow that's a lot I don't know how much to thank you guys

I love you guys so much and thank you for being patient with me! ❤️💙🖤

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