Panic Attack....

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    Third person: Right when Sonic woke up he noticed he's pillow really soft but it wasn't a pillow it was Shadows Chest fur.

            Sonic pov: My head is still spinning from that stupid palm tree I hit yesterday. Wait what the was my pillow this soft before? I looked over and I notice I was sleeping on Shadow! I started to blush like crazy if Shadow see's me like this he's gonna kill me but if I move I might wake up him... what do I do use your big brain Sonic come on. I can't think right now because I'm mostly on top of him. All the sudden I felt Shadow move... Shit am a dead hedgehog I kept saying in my mind. Just pretend to sleep ya do that Sonic than maybe I can survive today and live I just hope all the things I said to him yesterday doesn't make him think I like him that's embarrassing for me than. okay Sonic stop talking and close your eyes like your asleep.

     Shadow pov: Right when I woke up I felt something on my chest fur and it was...Sonic!? What was he doing on me I felt my heart rate starting to go up. Sonic is going to notice your heart rate going up stupid  so calm your ass down I said trying to think of something else to make my heart rate go low.

Third person: Sonic felt Shadow's heart rate go up was he having a panic attack Sonic said in he's head  concerned.Sonic  was  thinking it was all he's fault and of course the unexpected came to the worse for Sonic.

      Sonic pov: This can't be happening right now why here please not here. It's no use Sonic you can't stop what your body is doing. It's starting to  get really hard to breathe Sonic said while panting. I can't hold this much longer I have to get up. I guess I really am a dead hedgehog...I said starting to get up where I was on Shadow to go in the living room so he doesn't notice I was having a panic attack. This is why I  hate myself so much because of corse this body can run so fast but you can have panic attacks anytime of the day. It's no use to make it stop so all you can do is try to calm your body down. I get  out of the bed and went straight to the living room as fast as I can so Shadow doesn't see me having a panic attack. 

Shadow pov: What's up with that faker was he awake this whole time!? Thinking about it,it sounded like he was having a hard time to breathe he probably thinks am gonna kill him but nah I'll leave him be for now. He was sleeping on me he's just probably embarrassed that he was sleeping on me. That dummy is starting to not get as annoying I smiled a bit. Maybe I should check on him? Or not it's probably the best to stay in bed so he can think I was actually asleep the whole time.

   Sonic pov: Why is this dum panic attack not going away I said starting to cry because of how hard it was getting to not breathe. I fell down on the floor of how exhausted I was from not breathing for a long time. I can't do this-anymore... I started to see my vision going black is this really the end of me I said sarcastic. You can't actually die from it I said it's just how life is with panic attacks I don't even know how to stop these panic attacks right. I felt my vision going blurry but all of the sudden...

    Shadow pov: I heard something loud like something fell, did that dum hedgehog drop something on the floor. I guess I have to get up now to see what he broke it better not be my favorite vase. When I got out of bed to see what happen I saw Sonic on the floor looking like he was having trouble breathing! I ran to him in the living room to see if he was still awake he was. I told him to try to calm down and take deep breaths so he can try to get some air in he's lungs. He looked like he was calming down from he's panic attack, so I just told him to stay there and I'll bring him a glass of water. How did you know how to stop the panic attack I had Sonic said surprised. You really don't know anything about me hedgehog. It's because I had many of them before I know how to stop them right.  Next time tell me your having one because it doesn't look like you know how to stop a panic attack am I right. You're right I have plenty of panic attacks every single day but I don't know how to stop them how did you know how to stop them Shadow? Because your buddy Tails told me how to stop a panic attack because I was having one like you when I was with him. My buddy really is a genius. I won't lie Sonic but he's not annoying like you are. Hey that's mean to say Shadow say sorry. Nope deal with it. Your so mean Shadow Sonic said. Did I ask about your opinion about me? Shut up Shadow.

     Sonic pov: I didn't know he can be this fun to talk to I said in my head. Thank you for helping me with my panic attack. No problem Sonic just ask  me when you have another one so I can help you. Wow I didn't know you had a soft spot for me Shadow. Say that again and I'll beat the shit out of you. Okay geez calm down I was just playing around with you anyways I think there's a party tonight wanna come with me Shadow? I will only come just in case you have another panic attack. Oh come on Shadow just say that you care about me it's not hard too- I will give you 3 seconds to run as fast as you can before I beat your ass up faker. Okay like you can catch me you're too slow. Looks like am gonna beat your ass up since you haven't even ran yet Shadow said. Shoot! Umm bye Shadow see you at the party I said running as fast as I can away from him.



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