Feeling better?

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"Mr. Sonic you are free to leave we checked you up and you seem fine you may leave the hospital now" the girl said in a calm way. "Thank you so much doctor I have a question though

"Well then ask away Mr. Sonic"
"Can I visit Shadow the hedgehog and is he okay will he be okay?" I asked really concerned.

"He will be just fine he is just weak you can visit him right now if you want to no one will stop you from doing it-" When I herd I can visit him right now I dashed to his room to see if he was asleep still. I opened the door quiet and sat on the chair I sat on last night and just stared at his beautiful sleeping face. "What are you doing here faker? "Gosh I keep forgetting you have really sensitive ears. Anyways are you hungry are you feeling better is something-"I'm fine Sonic I don't need anything okay I'm fine got that? "Meanie you cut me off but if your lying to me that your not okay I'm gonna be so mad at you I said with a pouting face"

"Just come here for a second Sonic" Shadow said looking like he was in pain. "Okay...you sure your fine Shad-

Shadow pov: I grabbed Sonic's arm before he can finish his sentence and brought him on to my bed so I can cuddle with him. "Don't you ever scare me like that again Shads" I felt his breath on me and I could hear him sobbing. "I'm sorry Faker I didn't mean to make you worried about me" I said in a calm voice hugging him closer to me.

Sonic pov: I probably looked pathetic when I was crying on Shadow but at this point I didn't care I was just happy he was okay. I could feel him grabbing me closer to his body and I felt his breath on mine now. " Are you feeling better Sonic?" Shadow said really concerned looking at me and at all the scares I had on my body. "Look I'm fine, but you're the one that almost died on me" I said in a serious tone looking at his pale eyes. "I'm sorry okay I won't do that again I promise" Shadow said. "Oh ya you better be if you don't keep my promise I'll punish you"

        "What type of punishment Faker" I quickly saw a smirk on Shadow's face when he said that. " Not like that dummy you idiot!" I said blushing madly not looking at Shadow's face now.  "I was just kidding  calm down blue hedgehog".

"Anyways you need to get some sleep so I'll leave you alone for now and check Tails when am at it" I said getting off the bed still blushing a bit from what just happened. "Oh ya that fox can you tell me if he's okay I'm kinda worried about him" I looked at Shadow and I can see that he looked guilty he probably felt like it was he's fault that Tails got injured. " Of corse Shadow anything for you, anyways you better get some sleep for me!" I said closing the door and dashing to go see where Tails was at.

"I wonder where my buddy is" I said while dashing through the hospital. The only spot I haven't gone yet is the lobby he's probably there waiting for me. I dashed where the lobby was and there he was seating down by himself.
   "Hey there little buddy you doing okay?"
I saw him starting to tear up he probably felt relieved that I was back to my normal self and not in the grumpy way.
"No need to cry buddy I'm right here I will always be by your side" I saw him jump up out of his seat and than gave me a hug. "Sonic I was so worried about you and Shadow don't do that ever again you made me get scared I thought that I wasn't ever gonna see you both ever again".

"Sorry I didn't mean to worry you like that Tails it's okay am right here now no need to cry now" I didn't even know Tails was this worried about us how cute is that he always acts like a kid. "I heard that Shadow woke up this morning is he doing alright?" Tails said, "Ya he is doing just fine he's just getting more rest now"

" That's good, now I feel better that you two are feeling better" Tails said looking more calm now. "You should get some sleep buddy you seem really exhausted"
"Maybe I should I do feel tired Son-" I guess you really were tired buddy I said looking at him. "I'll bring you to my house buddy" I said picking him up and putting him in to my arms. 
I dashed to my house and put Tails on my bed and then went to the living room to go watch a movie.

Hours past

Sonic pov: I fell asleep watching a movie but my nap got interrupted by someone calling me. I rubbed my eyes and then picked up my phone to see who it was. "Oh it's Shadow I should probably pick up"

"Hey faker how is the fox doing?" Shadow said
"Oh he's fine he was just really worried about you and me that's all he's just getting some sleep right now"

"That's good to hear I just felt guilty because I left him with all the robots to fight and I just left him to go safe you not him..." I can hear Shadow's voice breaking down he must of felt guilty.
     "Don't worry Shads he's fine all he needs is just rest"

"You should get some rest too, but I was gonna ask you something Sonic" Shadow said

"What is it Shads?"

"Can you come visit me right now I'm kinda lonely right now"

"....But it's like midnight right now I don't think they're gonna let me in your room at this time Shadow".

"I'll tell them you're visiting me and there let you in it's that easy Faker just....please come I need your company right now..."

"Okay I'll go just for you I'll be there as fast I can Shadow"

"Thanks faker I'll see you soon"

Sonic pov: Well I guess I have to pack up now just for tonight. Maybe before I leave I should write down a note so Tails doesn't get freaked out that am not here.
    "It looks like I have everything I need to stay the night there well time to run!"

At Hospital now

Sonic pov: I just can't believe that the nurses just let me in Shadow's room. "Umm Shadow are you awake still? Also sorry it took me a while to get ready"

"It's fine Faker anyways just come sleep with me now"

Wait huh I didn't know I was going to sleep with Shadow!? "You want me to sleep with you?" I said looking at Shadow's beautiful eyes. "Yes you're gonna sleep with me Faker now come here now and I don't want you to make any more sound now" Shadow said looking at me and then pulling me on to his bed.

     I guess this is not that bad he feels so soft
and comfortable.
   I was about to close my eyes in till I heard Shadow purring softly. I turned to look at him and his face looked so  fragile I could kiss him and I did. "Your so cute when you're sleeping Shadow, I'm so glad I got with you and I hope you get better soon good night.

I hope you guys like this story this is my first time making one so sorry if this is not good. Also for the people that have been reading my story I'm sorry that I haven't been posting I just have been busy with school anyways I hope you guys have a good day!

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