I'm Sorry

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Sonic pov: "Guys I don't think Shadow is going to make it...Amy said with a sad expression looking at me. Hearing that made my heart break into many pieces and making me feel not whole again like a part of me was missing again.
   "I think Sonic needs to be alone right now" Tails said. After Tails said that I saw everyone leave one by one, after everyone left I broke down and squeezed the sheets as hard as I can and looked down. "This is all your fault you know that" When I heard that voice in my head I knew it was dark. "I thought you were gone dark and I know it's my fault so  stop saying that". I got out of the bed to see a note on this small desk that was next to me.

          "Dear, Sonic you know you're not the only one that feels guilty about this, so stop thinking all of this was your fault okay I promise Shadow will be just fine. I have questions though is Dark still in your body I noticed  at the party when Shadow got hurt your fur was about to turn black but Shadow stopped you. Also Shadow wanted to ask me something when he woke up in the middle of the night he asked  me something for you he said if you started to do self harm because you think everything is your fault which is not. "Anyways get some sleep and I'm fine I just bruised and stuff don't worry about me faker anyways am going back to sleep so I can gain my energy more see you soon Sonic", that was what Shadow said on the note if you can tell his hand writing is better then mine I'll stay in his room for you Sonic no need to worry so just ask me if you need anything".

    To: Sonic (brother)
From: Tails and Shadow

Sonic pov: I felt tears going down my muzzle when I saw Shadow's hand writing on the paper. When I was done reading it I hugged the paper making me feel like Shadow was in my arms but I knew he wasn't. It made feel safe and whole again I knew I had enough energy to go to his room tomorrow so I made a plan to get out of this lonely room when I wake up to see my Shadow.

Next day

Sonic pov: When the doctors gave  me my food for the morning. I was trying to eat as fast as I can to see Shadow. "Woah Sonic calm down stop eating so fast you can choke" Knuckles said concern. "Don't worry about me I'm just really hungry today" Everyone one was so confused with my answer but then they  just left the room to give me some space because deep down they knew I was not okay with this whole situation I was in. I looked through the window outside of my room to see if anyone was near my room still which no one was.
     " This is my opportunity to leave this boring room"  I said to myself. I started walking towards the door and started looking where Shadow was. I started looking in each room to see if Shadow was in there. It felt like hours looking for Shadow but I finally did.
    I looked through his window and saw many machines attach to him looking at that made my heart ache. "He looked so peaceful sleeping there" Maybe this was a bad idea I should go back in till someone thinks I left the hospital.

I looked away from the window turning my body to walk back to my room but my body wouldn't move. "Maybe I'll just stay in his room for a little bit" I turned my body back at the door and twisted the door nob, so I can go inside.  "I'm so sorry Shadow this is all my fault" I said when I sat down on a chair. "Faker....I..told you....it's not your fault" I immediately looked up to see Shadow's eyes open. Tears started to form but I held them in "Sonic can I feel your hand just for a second Shadow said. "Of corse you can Shadow, but I need to start leaving okay?" I got up to hold his hands but when I looked back at him his eyes were shut again. "Have a good sleep Shadow"

I then started walking back to my room so no one would know I left. My heart didn't ache anymore and I felt that feeling in your stomach again when you see the one you loved I never wanted that feeling to go away. I was finally smiling again when I was walking down the hall way that would let  to my room. "This should be my room" I said before opening it.

"I'm exhausted from all of that walking I need to go get some sleep" I was supposed to get out of this room tomorrow but I couldn't wait anymore to see the one that I loved.  I fell on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a little bit before I closed my eyes.

"I'll see you soon Shadow"

I can't stop loving you ( sonic x shadow)Where stories live. Discover now