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Shadow pov: After chasing Sonic for a long time we both got tired and stopped chasing each other. We should probably head back to tails and Knuckles place so we can help them put the decorations up for the party Sonic said trying to catch his breath. You're right Sonic we should probably help your friends. Hey there not just my friends there yours two. Thanks for saying that Faker but I don't think you friends/ buddy's like me because am always mean to them. They don't hate you trust me Shadow anyways we should get going they probably need are help soon. Okay let's go help them they probably don't know anything about decoration's. You're probably right shads. What did you just call me? I called you shads is that fine with you do you not want a nickname? (Grabbed Sonic's arm) No I like the nickname let's go Sonic. O-oh okay...What's wrong Sonic you don't like me holding your arm? I- never mind.

Sonic pov: After walking with Shadow to Tails and Knuckles house. He let go of my arm to not make it weird. There you guys are Tails said really happy. What the your actually here Shadow!? Knuckles said really surprised. Shadow looked down at the ground with that comment. Hey what's wrong with Shadow coming to the party everyone is invited am I wrong Knuckles? Whatever Knuckles said with an angry look. Hey be nice to Shadow Tails said am sorry that Knuckles said that to you Shadow he's just jealous that you're better than him. Shadow looked back up and looked more happy and said thank you to Tails and me for standing up for him. Knuckles looked like he was about to punch Shadow but I pulled Shadow's arm and I told him maybe we should put the balloons here. I was right because I saw him miss a punch where Shadow was standing. That little bitch I said under my breath. Did you say something Shadow said looking concerned about me. I'm fine maybe you should just stay here and help make more ballon's. I need to talk to Tails by myself for a little bit.

Tails let's go I need to talk to you. Oh okay Sonic. What's wrong Tails said looking at me did anything happen when I was gone? Not really it's just Knuckles was a bit pissed that you were with Shadow and he was saying like he's probably beating him up we need to save Sonic. Was Shadow actually doing something to you Sonic Tails said. No he didn't do anything to me at all. That's weird Tails said

After Sonic and Tails left....

Shadow pov: I wonder why Knuckles is so mad at me. I guess I will just make more ballon's and put it at the entrance I said to myself. All the sudden I heard someone walking behind me. I felt there presence and right when I knew it was Knuckles he punched me right on the head. What was that for Knuckles. I know you did something to Sonic you can't hide it anymore. I didn't do anything to him Knuckles I promise. Knuckles just kept on hitting me. Oh come on fight back if they think your better than me there wrong your so weak and pathetic you couldn't even save Maria haha. Why did you have to bring that up I already know it was my fault and people just keep saying that like I already know so stop telling me it is because I know it is was so stop saying it!!!

Sonic pov: All the sudden I heard Shadow screaming. Tails were so dumb we left Shadow all by himself with Knuckles we need to go now we can talk about this later. Okay let's go Tails said. We're here I said and when we came we saw Shadow on the floor and he had bruises and scratches all over him. I was about to scream but all the sudden Tails covered my mouth and he told me to calm down and spy on them instead. "You don't have to tell me that already I know it was my fault Maria died if I never met her she would be alive still it should have been me that got killed so shut up! After Shadow said that he burst into tears and was trying to run away but he kept on falling on the ground because of how weak he was. Knuckles kept hitting him still even what Shadow said. I'm sorry Tails I can't stand here and watch Shadow get hit like this I have to go...

Shadow pov: I kept on trying to run but I kept on falling and falling because of how much blood I was loosing. All the sudden Knuckles stopped hitting me and right when I looked back I saw Sonic and he got hit instead. How dare you hit Shadow I looked at Sonic and he was starting to get out of control.I quickly hugged Sonic to make him go normal and he did. Shadow?! What are you doing? Don't hurt him please I know he did hit me but I don't mind I promise okay. Fine Tails start the party I'll bring Shadow to the sofa so I can bandage him up.

   Sonic pov: Why did you not fight back? You could have beaten him easily. I didn't want to because he's your friend I thought if you saw me hitting him than you would think it was all my fault... Why would I think that Shadow. Right when I got the bandages I saw Shadow sleeping on the sofa. I was still pissed at Knuckles for what he did I said to myself I don't think I will never forgive him for what he did to my shadow I said under my breath. What did you say Sonic? Oh umm I thought you were asleep I was just closing my eyes that's all because Amy couldn't stop saying am so sorry for you she didn't even look sorry for me Shadow said while chuckling. I don't know how you can be laughing right now Shads I smiled a bit too. When I was done bandaging Shadow I noticed he was covering he's ears. Are you okay Shads? My head hurts from all this noise he said sounding like he was in pain. You wanna leave the party then go to my house instead. Ya I would love that Shadow said closing he's eyes again. I carried him into my arms and I told Tails I'm heading back home with Shadow and I said to Tails tell Knuckles I might not ever forgive him for what he did to Shadow. I dashed to my house to put Shadow in my bed. After putting him down I started to make tea for him maybe that will help with his headache I said.

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