"I will stay until you get better"

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Tails pov: After Shadow and Sonic left the party I quickly ran to Knuckles and said why did you hurt Shadow he didn't do anything to you! What do you mean? I would never hit Shadow were cool with each other now Knuckles said confused. Look I don't know if you're acting dumb Knuckles but you said really bad things about Shadow and you were beating him up did you not remember anything you did to Shadow?! I did what to him did I actually hurt him why did I do that! "Yes you did don't worry now he's with Sonic. Now you said you don't even remember hitting Shadow if you don't then I bet Eggman did something to you or put something in your drink. You're probably right like always Tails, now can I got to Sonic's house now to say sorry to Shadow I feel really bad for what I did. Maybe you can do that tomorrow and just have some fun Knuckles I'll deal with this on my own okay. Thanks buddy I know I can always count you Knuckles said smiling.

Sonic pov: This is so embarrassing I actually don't know how to make tea because I just have tea bags for no reason because Tails always gives them to me. Okay maybe I just have to put hot water in it I really hope he likes it it's called destress Tea I think? I hope this is the right tea to help him with he's headache. Just don't spill it Sonic you can do this you're almost there Sonic. Yes you see that Shads I made you tea without spilling a single drop! I almost dropped the mug down when I saw Shadow just sleeping peacefully on my bed. Maybe I should be more quiet this time I said whispering so Shadow doesn't wake up. I'll just put the Tea right here on this little desk stand, so he can have some when he wakes up thinking about I hope the tea doesn't get cold. Well I should probably get going or should I stay here to keep Shadow company. No Sonic if you stay here I met do something dirty to him on accident. The best thing to do is to wait in the living room and just wait till he wakes up.
When I was about to leave I felt something tug on me and it was Shadow. What's wrong Shad's is something wrong do you need something? Don't leave me here by myself Sonic please stay here longer Shadow said in pain.

Okay fine I'll stay here for a little longer I said smiling at him to try to comfort him. No stay with me till I get better please I don't wanna be alone Sonic. Please let go of me Shadow. Sorry I can't let you leave so you're gonna come in the bed with me. What do you mean Shad- Just this one time than I'll let you be Sonic. I can feel Shadow put his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I never thought I would be this close to Shadow in my life. "I will stay with you until you get better Shadow I promise. I started to cuddle with Shadow and I put my face into he's chest fur because of how soft it was when I felt it before. I wish this can last forever but when you get better you probably will become your normal self and become the normal emo hedgehog you were before.

I love you Shadow and no one will change that. I started to feel my eyes getting heavy to keep them up and right before I did I think I heard Shadow say I love you too Sonic.

Back to the party

Tails pov: Now too see what happen to Knuckles and why he hit him, I knew he would never do that to Shadow. I did see a water bottle on top of the counter in the morning and it wasn't there yesterday...hmm that's it I got it! Knuckles said if the water bottle was anyone's and everyone said no so he drank it. That's when he started to say Shadow is probably beating up Sonic. I dashed where Knuckles was at and asked him where he put the water bottle at and he said it was on the table. I grabbed it and went to my lab to do some tests on it and I was right Knuckles got drugged by this chemical I should probably look at this chemical more close up.

Ya Sonic and Shadow are still cuddling in bed 😅

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