Don't leave me...

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Shadow pov:

       I woke up to the little fox moving me scared. What's wrong little fox I said. "I can't find Sonic anywhere I thought you would know but when I watched the footage last night....Sonic he got kidnapped by Eggman. I know you might not wanna help me because you're his rival but please I'm begging you Shadow to help me go save Sonic please....I saw the fox almost crying at this point and I wanted to run to Eggman but I had to act like I didn't care about this Faker, fine I guess I'll help him. "Thank you so much Shadow I owe you one anyways I have everything ready so let's go start my plane! You know since the ultimate life form is here I can just  chaos there faster than your plan fox so hold my hand so you can teleport with me I said grabbing he's hand really tight.
           Right when I chaos controlled to Eggheads base there were traps everywhere every single step but thankfully this Fox can fly me over all of these. "Okay I'll fly you all the way up there so we can get in and save Sonic before he does anything to him. Got it but if you drop me it's the end of your life kid. "Okay okay I won't I promise on my mom the fox said smiling a bit for what he said.

Sonic pov:

        I woke up to a loud laugh did I get captured form Eggman? Ho Ho Ho Ho I finally catch  the Blue hedgehog and now the whole city can burn into ashes and know one will stop me!! When I heard that I tried to get out of the chains but it was squeezing me every time I moved and I let out a yell of how bad it was squeezing my ankles and writs. Oh so your awake hero no one will come to save you they don't even know that you left probably that's how pathetic you are anyways if you keep moving your ankles and wrist will be suffocating and you might die to it.

     No tails has to know I have been missing and Shadow they wouldn't leave me like that right.... Sorry but no one will find you and if they did there is no way they can doge all my traps and robots no way so your gonna stay here on my side so you can help me destroy the whole city how does that sound Sonic. No no stop your just making me think that they're gonna not  save me but I know they will they have to save me. without me in my team they will be broken and it will be all my fault. Yep it will be all your fault and you can see all your friends die one by one in your face Eggman said with an evil smile.  I looked at the ground crying because I couldn't do anything my friends are going to die because of me...When Eggman left to see if anyone got trapped in one of his traps I looked at my wrists and ankles than saw them starting to turn purple I let out a groan because it was making my head hurt so bad.

I said one more time
Before everything went pitch black.

Shadow pov:

The fox was flying me on top of Eggman's base and I started to bang on the rooftop to get in. I was using all of my force to open it and it finally did I looked at my hands and my knuckles will staring to bleed from it which stained my white gloves. "Are you okay Shadow your hands are bleeding- I cut off the fox and told him if you wanna save your friend then shut up got it? "Okay sorry for being annoying to you Shadow...

When we jumped into the base we heard a yell coming from Eggman's lab me and Tails ran to where we heard the yell with not even looking at the ground. We both tripped on a rope and then the whole base was on lock down and all the robots came rushing towards us. I tried to spin dash as much as robots I can but there was to many around us. We heard another yell and immediately Tails said "leave me Shadow I got this promise though you go save Sonic and then save me please. I promise kid I won't let you die on my watch I then  ran to where I heard a yell. I came dashing through the door to only to see Sonic passed out on the ground with his wrists and ankles bleeding all over the place.

Sorry buddy but your to late Shadow hahaha he is finally dead! How....dare you do that to.... my Faker....YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!! I felt so much rage in my body and I felt myself powerful I than dashed to Eggman and was destroying everything that was in my path. Why are you trying to attack me Shadow you know you didn't like him so why do you care so much Eggman said trying to get me on his side.

I just kept destroying his lab and was about to hit him but my body didn't let me for some reason why can't I hit you! Because when you went into my trap it put something in your system but I can't tell you anything else about it he said evil.

          You're gonna pay for that idiot  I said kicking him on to the wall which made him spit out blood. We can talk about this Shadow I didn't mean to hurt him I promise- Oh really than why is he bleeding everywhere you did this to your self Egghead so die already.

After I said that I felt weak and I couldn't move anymore I started coughing out blood and fell on the ground. Eggman ran to the exit and pressed a button that said that this whole place  would destroy in 10 minutes.

I tried to get up but kept falling down so I just crawled instead to get to Sonic's fragile body I held him into my arms and told to myself I have failed to protect you again Sonic. Before my vision turned black I saw an orange figure walking towards us limping and than was trying to push me and Sonic out of Eggman's base.

      Tails pov:

       I saw Sonic and Shadow both unconscious I was trying to get there as fast as I can but I felt my body feel numb dang I said under my breath. When I got to there body's I saw an exit I was trying my hardest to move both of them to the exit. Which I did but right when I was flying out of Eggman's place I saw it explode and pieces were flying in the air. I was trying to doge all of them but I finally got hit than I was falling with Sonic and Shadow in the air what a pretty view I said before falling on to the hard ground and herd someone yell are names.

I can't stop loving you ( sonic x shadow)Where stories live. Discover now