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Sonic pov: We got all the martial's for the small party we are going to have with Shadow and my buddy's. Okay you guys ready? Wait Sonic can we get some whine and beer Knuckles said. Does anyone else want to have beer and whine?   I do I love drinking Shadow said. This is the last thing I'm getting though so you guys better be happy for what you got  I said before going to another store.

Hours past

         Sonic pov: We finally got the beers and whine after so many stores going through. I'll get the drinks ready Knuckles said really happy. I'll help Sonic with the snacks Shadow said walking towards where I was at. I know you don't drink often Sonic so go easy with the drinks okay Shadow said. I promise I wasn't actually going to drink anything anyways no need to be worried about me Shadow.

Tails pov: I was getting the groceries out of the car and I saw Sonic and Shadow talking to each other instead of fighting. I was so surprised when I saw that because they were actually talking normally together and not trying to roast each other that they're faster. I'm so glad that there getting along I said with a smile on my face. I got all the groceries Sonic! Thanks a lot buddy Sonic said patting my head. I can't believe I have friends now and am not alone I can actually have a will party with people! You good little bud Knuckles said. Ya I'm just still recovering from the cold. Go seat down I don't want you to get sick again okay so leave it to me Sonic and Shadow Knuckles said. Thank you Knuckles! Anytime now go get some rest. When I went to the sofa I immediately fell asleep still exhausted from last night because I got no sleep just trying to figure out what Eggman put in that drink.

I woke up to Sonic that was seating right next to me. Are you okay tails you still seem exhausted from last night maybe you should just go to bed Tails Sonic  said. Please let me stay up a little bit longer okay I was just closing my eyes you know. Fine only for a little bit than your going to sleep. Okay will do Sonic let's get this party started! Let's go! Knuckles said grabbing a bottle of whine and drinking it all.

Sonic pov: I felt a bit worried for Tails but I'll let him have some fun than he can go to bed. All the sudden I felt a hand on my back and someone saying don't worry to much Faker. I won't Shads thanks for worrying about me though. I saw Knuckles with a bottle of whine that was empty and he was coming to us looking already dizzy just taking that one whine by himself. Let's play a game of hide and seek and whoever I find first and last have to French kiss each other Knuckles said smirking at everyone. Umm I don't think so- I'm down to play it how about you little guy Shadow said. That seems fun I love hide and seek Tails said running away trying to hide. You better go hide Sonic you don't wanna be the one that has to French kiss someone shadow said in my ear and then ran away. When he whispered in my ear I got so red just thinking about the French kiss, okay Sonic you need to hide somewhere good but not to good that your the last one to be found. Okay tails lab should be a good spot to hide I thought Tails would hide here too but he's not here.

           After for waiting a bit I herd Knuckles said ready or not here I come! I felt my Heart beating really fast...Sonic take deep breaths like Shadow said and it worked. But when I was done taking deep breaths I herd Knuckles saying found you really loud but I couldn't here who he got I was just hoping it was not Shadow  but I don't wanna kiss my best friend too that's weird then.

       It felt like hours past by but it's only been 10min since this hide and seek game started. I heard a door opening slowly and I quickly hid behind Tails plane. Oh come on someone has to be in here Knuckles said. Well will you look at that I was right I found you Tails!  When I heard that Tails got caught I knew it Shadow probably didn't even hide to began with and he whispered in my ear to in courage me to hide good that smart hedgehog I said.
     Where is Sonic than Knuckles said upset that he didn't find me. He was hiding with me in here too but he just hid behind my plane instead of behind the door I was at Tails said. Good hiding spot Sonic but do you know what that means now you have to French kiss Shadow Knuckles said bursting into laughter. It's not funny at all he is my rival there is no way I would kiss him I said kinda nervous. Move out of the way your in my way Knucklehead now let me and Sonic be in here for a little bit I don't want you to be seeing us kiss that's embarrassing Shadow said pushing Tails and Knuckles out of Tails lab. You guys better kiss! Knuckles said still laughing.

       Right when I heard the door shut and it was just silence I sat down putting my head down because of how nervous I was. Oh don't be shy my love Shadow said putting a finger under my chin so he can see my face. They just want us to French kiss but if you don't wanna do it it's okay if you don't feel comfortable doing it  I won't force you to do it Sonic. I looked at Shadow surprised what he just said I felt so safe now. I think I want to do it but this is my first time doing this so I don't know what I'm do-
       I felt Shadow's mouth on mine and he started to French kiss me I couldn't help but moan a little because it felt so good.

      I felt my hand slip and than Shadow fell on top of me he kept going and he started to suck my neck to give me a hickey and I was trying so hard to be quiet. After Shadow was on top of me he knew I didn't want to make out or anything because he knew I wasn't ready for that yet so he stopped doing what he did and he got off of me me. I didn't know you can be loud Shadow said with a smirk on his face. Oh shut up let's go before they get suspicious about us I said giving shadow a hand to get up. We started to walk back to the house and then Shadow asked if he did bad at the French kiss because that was his first time doing it to. I of course said it was the best experience I had and I saw him blush a bit when I said that. Okay ready to go back inside I said looking a bit exhausted because of what just happened.
      Ya I'm ready to go in Shadow said. Right when I open the door I heard Tails running down the stairs and jumped to hug me I thought something bad happen to you two. Wait me too? Shadow said confused that he thought he was just worried about me. Of course I was worried about you Shadow we are friends right Tails said . All the sudden in the corner of my eye I saw Shadow almost tear up but he walked by Tails and said thank you buddy. Thanks for being nice for him Tails. Of course no one should be alone or left out no one deserves that Tails said happy.
      I'll be going to bed now Sonic bye! Bye buddy have a good sleep! Will do Sonic Tails said walking up the stairs again.

I saw Knuckles drinking sone beer I thought for a second but I knew I had to have at least one drink but till you knew it I have drunk like five cups of beer I felt myself about to fall but then someone catch me. Didn't I tell you not to drink that much Sonic Shadow said picking me up and putting me on the couch. I want more though Shads please let me have one more I said putting my head on Shadows shoulder.

Shadow pov: I literally told you no more Sonic. Oh come on be a good daddy to me and just let me have one more. I felt my face go hot when Sonic said daddy to me. Shadow don't get turn on just because of that he is drunk and you have to take care of him. You stay here I'll go get Knuckles.....will....do Sonic said looking really dizzy. I walked towards Knuckles and I chaos control to his room so I didn't have to pick him up. I came downstairs to see if Sonic was okay but I saw him trying to get up to get another glass of beer.

     No more I said to Sonic then Sonic kissed me unexpectedly but than fell asleep right into my arms. I guess I'll sleep with him on the couch I said carrying him I kissed him on the forehead before going to sleep myself. I can't believe I'm saying this but this was one of the best days I had looking at Sonic smiling in his sleep I kissed him one more time and I said to him I'm so glad I met you Sonic your the best.

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