I love you ❤️

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Back at Sonic's house

Sonic and Shadow were sleeping together in the bed peacefully while Tails was still trying to see what happened to Knuckles in his lab.

Sonic pov: All the sudden I woke up to a knock on my door I was trying to open the door but I remembered that I was sleeping with Shadow in the bed. I tried to get out of Shadow's arms but he just pulled me closer to him. At this point I felt my face go really hot and my heart starting to beat really fast. I felt Shadow move and I saw he's eyes open. Umm Shadow are you feeling any better from last night? I guess I feel a little bit better my head is still spinning from when Knuckles hit me from the back of my head.

Right when Shadow said that he noticed how close Sonic was to him because he put he's arms around him. I am so sorry Sonic that I put my arms around you, you probably felt so uncomfortable. No I didn't really mind you doing that to me I'm already kinda used to it because Amy always hugs me so tight. Oh so you don't mind it? I don't but will you excuse me Shadow I think someone knocked on the door so I'll go get it okay. Oh okay I wonder who it might be Shadow said. When Sonic opened the door he changed his emotions quick to a serious face...what do you want Knuckles Sonic said in an angry way.
I'm sorry for my actions and I promise I didn't mean all this harm to Shadow I was out of control let me just at least say sorry to Shadow please Sonic. After what you did to him am sorry for you because I will never forgive you Knuckles for what you have done!!

It's okay Sonic really I do I forgive you Knuckles. "What are you doing up you're supposed to be resting in bed! I know your angry at him but please give him a chance I bet he got controlled by someone or got drugged on something really bad. Your lucky Knuckles Sonic said walking in the house looking upset. I promise I didn't mean any harm but you can hate me all you want but I promise I don't remember hurting you at all last night. Thanks for the info Knuckles now let me talk to this hedgehog and don't worry I already forgave you so no need to be hard on yourself.
Wow Shadow did you have a change of heart all the sudden Knuckles said surprised what Shadow said to him. You can say that Shadow said closing the door smiling at Knuckles.

Shadow pov: Is Sonic really that pissed for what Knuckles did to me how adorable. Sonic where did you go. I'm just in the bedroom don't you need help Shadow walking? After Sonic said that I immediately fell on to the ground on my knees. Shadow! Let me help you up...this is why I told you to rest in bed not stand up. Sorry I didn't follow your directions I said while patting my hand on Sonic's head. Okay now you have to stay in bed okay or else. Or else what Sonic I said trying to tease him. I will umm just shut up Shadow!

Your house is so messy you need to clean it more often and why is there a lot of books on the ground for no reason Faker. Are you always gonna call me faker Shadow? Why wouldn't I, I only say it to you no one else anyways do you have my tea? Yep I will be right there Sonic said coming to Shadow and put the mug on the desk right next to the bed. Right when Sonic put the mug on the desk he tripped over his own books ahhh Sonic screamed falling. Sonic fell right on top of Shadow and the both boys blushed right when they made eye contact at the same time.

Sonic pov: I really am sorry I fell on you Shadow I- I felt something soft and it was that Shadow kissed me on the lips I started to kiss back at him but we both stopped to get air and right when I saw him staring at me I got off him and covered my face with my hands and said sorry so much to him. Sonic you said you loved me last night is that true? I took my hands off my face slowly and looked into his beautiful eyes and said yes. I closed my eyes to be ready for Shadow to say you think I would like you but I felt something else instead and when I looked I saw Shadow hugging me and said

I love you too Sonic
I hugged Shadow back and kissed him on he's check saying that I fell in love with him after the last mission. Surprisingly Shadow said the same thing and we just both laughed at each other and we just kept on kissing each other's lips.
I lifted up Shadow and carried him outside and ran to Tails and Knuckles house so he doesn't get bored in my house just laying in bed. We both agreed to not tell them that we started dating so we just kept it a secret when we got there. I put down Shadow on the sofa and than started looking around for Knuckles to say sorry that I didn't forgave him. There you are Knuckles am so sorry I was just really mad that you did that to Shadow it's okay if you don't forgive me. Awww it's okay buddy mistakes happen Knuckles said hugging me. Thank you for understanding. Of corse now if you excuse me am gonna go find some grapes in the forest now.

When he said that Tails came running saying that he found out what happen to Knuckles! Did you get any sleep buddy I said. Uhh no hehe Tails said trying to stay up. Just go rest in bed and you can tell us later I said. Okay thanks Sonic! No problem buddy I said. When Knuckles and Tails both left I went over to Shadow and sat right next to him putting my head on he's shoulder saying that I love him again and he said I love you too.

I can't stop loving you ( sonic x shadow)Where stories live. Discover now