The mall

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    Sonic pov: After waiting for hours for Tails to wake up I finally saw him downstairs where me and Shadow were. Okay as I was saying before I fell asleep Tails said still half asleep. Wait there buddy before you say anything else are you sure you slept you still have bags under your eyes? I'm fine Sonic now as I was saying before someone cut me off....When Knuckles drank that water it had this chemical in it that makes you out of control so I bet when me and Knuckles left the house Eggman put it there to try to mess up are team. Which means he was trying to make us hate each other so than it would be easy to kill us. Wow am so happy that I have a genius like you Tails I said still looking surprised. Thank you Sonic well I'm going to eat something so I can put some energy in my system.

       Shads this is boring can we go somewhere else like to the mall with my buddies? Shadow sighed saying if they say yes I guess we can go. Oh my gosh really thank you so much I hugged him but then I heard someone behind us. What happened to you guys hating each other Knuckles said holding a basket of grapes. What do you mean I still hate this faker with my guts I wish he can die right now but I can't kill him. Come on one hug won't hurt you Shadow or are you weak? Shut up faker you're the one that's weak.

       Look what you did now Knuckles there having another fight I thought you guys would be chill because you took care of Shadow, Sonic Tails said. I had too everyone else was busy and I hated every single second with him Sonic said looking annoyed. Well since you guys are here expect for Amy do you guys wanna go to the mall or are you guys still busy with something Sonic said. I would love to go to the mall it has been years since I've been there Tails said really excited. I guess I can join you guys but not for long because I have to look out for the chaos emerald at all times Knuckle's said.
          Sonic pov: That's fine with me I just wanna get out this house and have some fun! Ugh you always are bored why can't we just stay in the house Shadow said. Well if you don't wanna go than  I guess you can stay in the house for us to come back. Okay fine I'll come "that's what I thought now let's all race to the mall 3...2...1...Go!

After racing with there friends to the mall

Dang it if I didn't trip over that coconut I would have been first! Stop making an excuse I know I was going win  anyways faker. Will you guys just be happy with each other for once okay we're at the mall let's have some fun Tails said. I know since we're at the mall maybe we can do a challenge like we have to pick somebody random and they have to make the best outfit they think they look good in and who ever has the best outfit wins Knuckles said. Everyone said bet I will win, at the same time.

      I have a question Knuckles, what is it?
"Well how are we going to pick someone random? I have a piece of paper and we can write are names down with this pen and put the names in my hat Knuckles said taking off he's hat.

After putting everyone's name in the bag

Tails got - Knuckles
Knuckles got - Tails
Sonic got - Shadow
Shadow got - Sonic

      Oh come on this is going to be easy to beat Shadow said smirking on who he got. Is everyone ready to start the challenge! Knuckles said everyone got excited and said yes and just like that the challenge started.

Tails pov: Okay what to get for Knuckles it has to be something cool. This should be a good place to look at I said going in to the store looking for something cool that Knuckles would wear. Since he loves hats I should buy him one to match his outfit. Okay this should be good oh my gosh I bet am going to win this no one can beat this outfit!

Knuckles pov: This is no challenge for me I know my friends so well so I bet Tails wears something like a soft boy would wear. I know where to go and then I'll win my own competition.

Sonic pov: Even tho he's my boyfriend now I don't know really anything about him. I sighed how I'm I going to beat this challenge... Since he looks emo all the time maybe hot topic I don't know let's just go in there hoping there's something Shadow would wear in here.

Shadow pov: This is too easy I know what Sonic likes to wear it's literally just sports clothes or something like that. Oh Sonic is going to hot topic I see I wonder who he got all I know is that I love that store so much. Okay Shadow don't get distracted over a small thing by these cool clothes already and we're be done with challenge.

            After everyone getting the clothes they went to this place close to the bathroom's so they can change in there. Okay who got who Sonic said. I got Knuckles Tails said happy. That works out with me because I have you Tails Knuckles said. "Oh well I got shadow and since I don't know anything about him I just went to this emo place. As you guys can see I got Sonic  and it was terrible because I had to buy these stupid clothes for him.

         We know you guys hate each other let's just give each other their outfits and see who has the best but you can't pick yourself.
After all of them changed
    Do you spy on me faker how do you know my favorite store and what type of clothes I like. Well you know since your emo I went to the only emo store I know of which was Hot Topic. Okay we know you guys hate each other let's just pick the person who made the best outfit Knuckles said. Okay we'll all finally ready to pick who has the best outfit and it was Tails and then it   was Shadow and then me poor knuckles was last. This is all your fault Tails your the one that picked this outfit Knuckles saying while paying are food since he lost.
          After eating with Shadow and everyone else. I asked if they wanted to go hang out and get some drinks so we can have a little party but just us like a guys night you can say. Everyone was all excited for today and all of them said yes so we got all the materials and started to drive back home so we can hang out.

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