Sleeping together

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Sonic pov: Ouch my head hurts,wait where am I? Did I get kidnapped by Eggman!? It also sounds like someone is cooking something... So I see your awake faker. Shadow! where am I and how did you find me. Your at my place dummy and how I found you I was just running looking for you because you ran away from me. And I found you laying down on the grass unconscious, so I brought you to my house since I don't know where you live. I guess I own you for kinda saving my life. Just go rest and I'll bring your food to the bed you better not make a mess on my bed! I'm in his bed those words got my heart beating so fast and I noticed my face getting hot again he can't see my face red like this he's gonna know something is up about me. What do I do oh shoot he's coming I got your food...Sonic? Where did you go am in the bathroom. Oh okay your food is on the desk so don't forget to eat I worked hard making this just for you. Than goodness he had a bathroom now I need to get this redness off me wait a second... I think I know why am nervous around Shadow and my face always gets red... it can't be do I like him!? No no it can't be liking Shadow he's to emo for me who would like him. Are you okay you have been in the bathroom for a long time Shadow said. Ya am fine can you just get out of your room than I'll come out okay. Fine faker

     Shadow pov: Why is he taking so long in the bathroom I can't believe he is in my house and he was sleeping on my bed! He's food is getting cold I don't want this to go to waste hurry up Sonic I promise am out of my room. Okay I'm coming geez. I guess I'll wait in the living room for now but right when he's done eating am telling him what's been going on with him. That nightmare was a terrible lie gosh he really is bad at lying  I chucked.

     Sonic pov: After eating he's yummy chili dog he cooked me I went outside to thank him but before I did I saw him laugh and smile for the first time! It's like time froze when I saw him smile he's smile was like an angel smiling at me he looked so precious now. I couldn't move a muscle all I can think of right now was that he was smiling. Shoot I felt my face getting red again . Oh your done eating my food I made you was it good? Y-ya it... was... go-good.Your face is red again faker tell me what's wrong. Your chili dog was a bit too spicy for me. I didn't know you were weak with spicy stuff. Stop making fun of me anyways can we go outside? No your head is still bleeding if you didn't know that Shadow said kinda concern. Why are you worried about me getting hurt again. I'm not worried about you shadow I can't go outside. Is it really that bad staying inside Shadow said while looking at me with those pretty eyes. I guess not,are you single Shadow? What the fuck did I just say he's gonna kill me now...

    Shadow pov: What the hell was that type of question Sonic. I am so sorry I don't know why I said that please don't kill me am already having a hard time today. Why would you think  I would kill you if I did your whole friends would me crying like crazy saying am a monster  I am tho there not wrong. No your not a monster what are you saying your the best rival I have ever had and for some reason you made my life better... I looked at the blue hedgehog and now I know why he's been acting weird and why he's face is red is it because he liked me? Or is he actually sick but he's face is always red when I talk to him he can't like me am a emo hedgehog and I always call him bad names. Do you mean that Sonic mean what Shadow? I made your life better... Yes you probably think it's a joke but it's not I sighed.

   Sonic pov: Did I just confess I liked him I hope he doesn't know why do I keep saying stuff I don't wanna. Shadow are you okay. Ya like you said I am surprised to I suppose you made my life a little better too...Does he like me too!? No why now I can feel my face getting red does he know that am not sick am actually blushing am so toast. I don't have video games but I do have some movies we can watch. That's fine with me I said. Can I ask a question? Sure what is it faker When I saw you smile in the living room what were you smiling about?

      You saw me smile!? Ya I did it was the first time I saw you smile actually. This is embarrassing shadow said blushing I don't think so...

   Shadow pov: I was smiling because I knew the nightmare you had was a lie and I noticed you really are bad at lying aren't ya. So you mostly were smiling because of me? I guess you can put it like that. Well Anyways let's start the movie. Okay Sonic said looking suspicious at me. One hour through the movie and I felt something heavy on my shoulder and it was Sonic he was sleeping on me!! I blushed so hard when I saw him I told myself to calm down and just keep watching the movie which I did than goodness I didn't kill him he really is a lucky hedgehog I said smiling at him. I carried him bringing him to my bed, you really are cute when you're sleeping faker before putting him on my bed. I guess I can sleep with him too since my bed is huge.

                      Good Night Sonic 🖤♥️💙

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