Please don't go

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Tails pov: I woke up trying to get up but fell back down. "Woah be careful dude you need to reset". I then looked up to see that Knuckles was seating right next to me. If I may ask where I'm I? "You're at a hospital, but before you say if Sonic and Shadow are okay they are but Shadow is in surgery right now". I felt so guilty thinking all of this was my fault that Sonic and Shadow got hurt but I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Cream. "Mr. Tails please don't say this is all your fault you tried your best to keep them safe and you escaped with them safety Cream said hugging me. Thank you Cream thanks for everything I'm just worried about Sonic. "Don't worry buddy he's gonna to  be fine you can visit him when you feel more better. Okay well if you excuse me I'm gonna try to get more sleep so I can get more energy. "Have a good sleep Mr. Tails cream said. I will Cream

Sonic pov: I was about to open my eyes in till I heard the most annoying voice ever. I hope you get better soon and if you don't then I'm gonna kill Shadow because he deserves it. What the like you can beat Shadow I said in my head before I opened my eyes. Right when I did open my eyes I felt someone hugging me right away. Sonic your awake are you feeling better Any said. I'm fine Ames can you stop hugging me now you're kinda hurting me. "Oh sorry Sonic I just thought you weren't gonna make it if you didn't- Ames I'm fine no need to be worried but if I may ask is Shadow and Tails okay? Tails is fine but Shadow is in surgery right now but don't worry about Shadow no one likes him anyways Any said with a smile.

What do you mean no one cares about Shadow..... have you lost mind!? I care about him a lot and so did Tails so can you stop being overprotective with me already I can take care of myself. "Sonic I didn't mean that you know that right? Stop lying to me and just get out of my room please Amy. "Fine I'll just go see if Tails is okay....I turn said to myself
Please let Shadow be okay I can't do this without him then please....

Hey Sonic is something wrong? Amy I told you to get out of my room. I'm not Amy Sonic Tails said. I looked up to see who it was and it was Tails. Oh then goodness you're okay Tails I said with a smile. "Ya I'm glad your okay Sonic I-
    Tails got cut off from doctors running to the surgery area saying "The hedgehog might not make it we need more doctors" my heart dropped when I herd that and I felt my ears go down and tears forming. Tails quickly went to me and tried to calm me down saying it wasn't your fault but I knew it was. It was Tails it really is this is all my fault your hurt too I said hearing my voice crack because of how much I was crying. "Shhh I promise Shadow will be just fine okay he is the Ultimate Life Form am I right Tails said. But still..."Hey stop thinking about that instead just look at me and tell me everything is going to be okay Sonic. I really was trying to say everything would be okay but tears just kept coming making me think about all the memories that I had with Shadow.

Tails closed the door so I wouldn't hear what was happening outside and then sat with me again."Get some sleep Sonic you need to rest. I was hesitant to answer but I said fine. "Good if you need anything I'll be right next to you. Thanks Tails for everything...."Of course Sonic anything for my big brother now please go to bed.

If I'm asleep and Shadow is done with surgery please wake me up I want to see him. Tails said under his breath will do Sonic.
I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep immediately because of how tired I was from crying.

3 hours later

I woke up to a small tug on my arm, I than open my eyes and saw Tails saying that Shadow is done with the surgery but he is connected to many machines so I don't think you can go see him I'm sorry Sonic. No no this can't be happening I can't loose someone again because of me! I need to see hime right now please let me go! "I can't let you go your not recovered yet. I was crying like a water fall and all the memories hit me which made me feel more guilty. Tails....can you...please leave....the room I need some alone...time. "Of corse Sonic just text me on your communicator if you need anything.

When Tails left the room I instantly started to look for something sharp to cut myself because I knew I deserved all of this. I saw a small little knife on the counter and I immediately took it and started to cut my wrist with it even if it was hurting like shit

This is what I get for hurting everyone I said in a mean tone. I just kept cutting and cutting in till I saw blood dripping onto the floor. Shoot I need to clean that I guess I'll stop I said and then put the little knife where it was before and started to clean up my mess.

Right when I did I put a bandage on my bloody wrist and then put my glove back on so no one would see what I did. If I'm a hero then I should retire if I can't even protect myself and my friends there is no reason to be a hero I said. I immediately heard the door open I went to go look who it was and it was Tails again but instead he didn't have all the bandages on him.

Hey I just wanted to check on you, and Shadow is doing way better if that makes you feel better about your self Tails said with a nervous smile. It does make me feel better thanks bud for being on my side for this whole time and sorry for snapping at you. "Don't worry I knew you didn't mean that also I heard Shadow say something under his breath do you wanna hear what he said? Yes please and thank you "Okay what he said was that "Tell faker this is not all his fault he probably feels guilty but tell him please I will be okay and also don't be pathetic and start crying over me I am the Ultimate Life Form I would never die. I started to Smile and I grabbed Tails hand and started to say thank you for being there for both us. "Your well-

Guys! Shadow....I don't....think.....he is going to make it Amy said.

I looked at my hands and put them on my face and said in my head.

"Why...why did this have to happen to you why you Shads...

I can't stop loving you ( sonic x shadow)Where stories live. Discover now