Why so nervous?

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Shadow pov: After the race Sonic's face looked so red. Was he sick? Ugh why am I even thinking about that faker we are rivals and that's it. Hey Shadow do you know what happen to Sonic he looked really red Tails said. I don't know fox I was thinking the same thing.. Really!? You were thinking about Sonic Tails said surprised. I mean no I wasn't thinking about him. Are you sure? Yep I'm going to go to my house too bye fox. What the heck why did I say that!? that fox better not say anything about that too Sonic. That faker is just getting in my head.

     Sonic pov: why can I not sleep I can't stop thinking about what happen between Shadow and me. Get out of my head and let me sleep in peace! I sighed. I get up to get a glass of water and go outside to look at the moonlight shining on me.  Why is shadow in my head I said to myself. I looked at the moon has the moon been this beautiful. I drank the rest of my water and went back to bed to try to get some sleep in.


    Sonic pov: After that rough night I can't still get Shadow out of my head. I go to Tails and knuckles place and Shadow is there he is never here. There you are you woke up pretty late today Tails said. Let's just say I had a rough night. Are you feeling alright buddy Knuckles said scared. Ya am fine I chuckled your acting really strange faker. Right when I looked at Shadow I got all nervous all the sudden. Your face got all red are you sure Tails said. Umm ya am going to go... get a drink ya brb! What is this feeling can it just go away and it's always around shadow!  Sonic wait I have to tell you what happen when you left Tails said. What is it buddy did anything bad happen!? No Shadow said he was thinking about you and what happened at the race he was thinking about you! Sonic your all red again are you okay? I need to go sorry Tails!
   I wasn't even looking where I was running and all the sudden I felt a tug on my arm and it was Shadow. Why are you running away faker what is happening! I was just looking at my arm where Shadow had he's hand on. Umm can you let go of me please. Fine you better not run away than he said fine I won't. I can't believe am saying this but am... worried about- you...He's worried about me why are you worried about me I'm your enemy. I don't know why am worried about you either just tell me what happen last night when you left are you sick? I can't say I was thinking about him what do I do maybe I am sick I don't know what do I say just say anything Sonic. I was just tired that's all because I had a nightmare. Just a nightmare you say Shadow said. I promise actually let go of me please it's making me uncomfortable. Oops I forgot about tugging he's arm wait where is he dang I left my guard down. That was a close one I was starting to loose my mind all I could think of when I was with him was he's hand on my ugh fuck just get  out of my mind already. Oh shoot I'm toast I said looking at the palm  tree in front of me. And than everything went black

Shadow pov: I need to find him before he runs away I need to know what actually happened last night with him and why is he always stuttering he's words with me. Found him Sonic can you hear me! Geez do I always have to do everything for him I guess I'll bring him to my house for now. I dash to my house and am holding Sonic in my arms while looking where I was going. I got to my house and put Sonic on my bed. I can't believe he's in my house. Why does he look so cute when he's sleeping wait what the fuck am I saying Sonic cute! I guess I'll wait till he wakes up I should probably tell Tails that he's at my place so he doesn't get worried where Sonic is. Hey tails you're probably wondering where Sonic is he's at my place so don't worry. Oh okay thanks for telling me that I'm kinda busy right now so take care of him for me okay. Will do bye so do I just wait till he wakes up I guess so. It's almost lunch I should probably just make some chili dogs since this faker loves them not like am making them for him. Well time to make them and when he wakes up he can has some.

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