Ch 2- Oblivious

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We all stood in awkward silence before Hermione decided to speak up.

"Hello y/n, I'm Hermione granger, nice to meet you."

I didn't really know how to respond so I just smiled at her because initiating a handshake after she introduced herself would be kinda awkward.

Everybody went silent as I did that. I mentally sweat dropped and stood there like an idiot before saying, "Umm, what are your names?" I already knew, but if they found out, it would make me appear as a creep. Everybody introduced themselves as I fidgeted with the money in my pocket The voices around me were unbearbale, making my head hurt. I saw that Lockhart had just come in and the gush of people coming in was really uncomfortable. It happened because, as I had just come to this world, I find the voices here a bit overwhelming.

I couldn't hear their names but that didn't really matter, my health was deteriorating by the second. I was about to faint and and braced for the impact when, but it never came... I saw a flash of blond and felt myself being grabbed by someone and I slowly closed my eyes.

Muffled voices in my head hurt as I slowly got up from my slumber. My eyes squinted trying to adjust to the lighting and I processed the surroundings. Sitting up, I saw that I was in a dimly lit room. My guess was that it is daytime considering the fact that I could see light seeping through the curtains. My head still hurt so I just wanted to go back to sleep. Well atleast I tried to, my mind was fogged up with thoughts I didn't want to think about. The gist is that I knew the series, and I am pretty shitting scared of accidentally harming it.

Deciding that in the body of an 11 year old, my mind won't be able to process this much information. My brain started to hurt, and I decided to go out of my room and actually see where I was. The floor was cold and wind came surging through the window soothing me. I went out and immediately the all too familiar comfort greeted me. I saw Molly heading towards me with a wand in hand and I could see her visibly calming after seeing me.

"Sorry dear, I thought it was an intruder."

"No worries umm" I said remembering I'm not supposed to know her name.

"Molly, dear."

I smiled at her and did a small bow. She looked at me pleasantly surprised. I guess that's what happens when you live with like 7 boys. I was about to say something but then she continued,

"We bought your books at the shop, so don't worry about that." That was the last thing she said before flashing a small smile at me and walking away.

'I'm definitely at the burrow and there's around an hour or so before we go over to king's cross station...' I should go confirm the timing with Molly. 'I should probably also pay her back later for the books.'

I asked her and she told me that breakfast would be done soon and I should get ready cause we will be heading out right after. I changed into some simple clothing and went down for breakfast and saw the weasley siblings. I greeted them and I swear I saw Fred whispering something to George.

After getting the introductions out of the way, we head to the station and boarded the train. Ron had went to get Harry and as far as I remember I'll greet them straight at Hogwarts so I was alone. I mean I still was going to sit with Hermione ( the boys weren't on the train obviously) but I took a quick detour to meet up with Draco. I saw him talking to some of his goons as I silently went ahead and signalled his 'friend' to stay quiet. I whispered in his ear, "Thank you for catching me, Draco~."

Blush crept up to his face as he recognised the voice. He turned around, pet my head and walked away. 'Well that's awkward....Although I swear I saw his face a bit red....Maybe he has a fever..'

'Ehhh, I'll just go and join Hermione.'

I went to her compartment and saw her reading a book. I guess she hadn't noticed me so I just decided to speak up, 

"Hermione right?.." She looked up from the book slightly and furrowed her eyebrows, but then relaxed after realisation hit her. 

"Yes, ohh and y/n right? Good to see you again. Are you feeling OK?"

"I'm good, thanks. Also you shouldn't read the book on a moving train, it could hurt your eyes."

She visibly tensed and immediately closed her book. We chatted for a while, I mean it was basically Hermione telling me about Hogwarts so I guess it wasn't that bad. I mean I knew most of it but I refrained from dozing off otherwise I would have looked really mean and also kinda stupid. 

I wasn't really that scared about the sorting ceremony right up until now when we reached the school. What? You would be nervous too if a hat was deciding if you're evil or not. Whats worse was that we couldn't find the two idiots anywhere. I am not still that familiar with these people yet but Hermione treats me nicely, and I'm really grateful for it. 

Hermione bid me goodbye and went towards the Gryffindor table to sit down. The sorting ceremony began and ginny's name was called out. I looked at her and gave her reassurance as she went to sit on the chair.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat exclaimed. As other names were being called out, I saw Dumbledore looking at me. I had a 'what's wrong' look on my face, so he sent Minerva to come talk to me. She greeted me and asked me to move out of the great hall with her. She simply got straight to the point,

"Miss y/l/n, the headmaster has wished for me to convey this message to you." She then took out a scroll and handed it to me. Minerva left and I had a look at the text presented to me. My eyes widened as I skimmed through it once, twice, thrice...He knows...

Helloo people who are readingg...It's my first time writing so excuse the cringiness leaking but I promise it will get better. Dw <3

Also please do tell if you are liking it at every chapter...I never have any motivation whatsoever, so plij (stupid way of saying please)..

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