Ch 22 - Spew.

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"I sure don't think that's pumpkin juice." Ron whispered to y/n, since she was sitting closest to him. Y/n passed on the messaged to the other two and the quartet all seemed to agree.

"Now the ministry says that you're to young to know about these. I think NOT! Can anyone tell me the name of the three unforgivable curses?" He asked. Although he seemed more amused than anything. Neville and Hermione both answered the question. The cruciatus and the imperius curses. The poor spider was the test subject. 

"Avada Kedavra!" Green light shot out from his wand as the spuder instantly dropped dead. He continued, "The killing curse...Only one person is known to have survived it....And he's sitting in this room. He said looking towards Harry. 

The class ended, and the students were walking down the staircase. Each of them still being a bit shooken about what happened.  

Harry himself was a bit shaken up. "Is that how my parents died...While they pleaded for help, that single spell...killed them...

"I do think he is scary. But he's really been through it you know."

"Rubbish! You saw Neville's face didn't you?!" Hermione exclaimed in anger and increasing her pace a bit. The four saw Neville looking out the window. He was thinking about something...rather someone.

"I'll talk to him..." Y/n said, gesturing the others to continue ahead. 

"Hello Neville..You ok?"
"Mhmm...I am really hungry. What's for dinner. Interesting lesson." He stuttered out, as Y/n looked at him in concern. He continued,

"Yeah...Interesting dinner- I mean..lesson...very interesting and I'm very hungry...what's for dinner..."

Y/n was about to say something, when Moody himself came down and said something before taking Neville up for tea. Y/n looked at him in suspicion but tried to brush it off a bit.

Y/n roamed the halls in worry, fiddling with her hands. Today was Harry's interview after all. She walked towards the library greeting the few people she saw on the way. As she reached, she head straight to the only section which had books on past tournaments. She had to do a double take.

"Hello Mr Wood. Hello Neville." She greeted, going towards them. They got up and replied,

"Hello shortie!" Oliver said cheerfully, hugging y/n. Y/n hugged him back but stuck out her tongue in 'annoyance' and then smiled at Neville, who was clearly struggling to form any words. He awkwardly blushed and slightly bowed.

"He-Hello.." Y/n just chuckled and put her hand on his head,

"You're so cute, Neville!" He immediately flushed and started muttering words no one could really understand.

"Are you ok though? What did Moody say..."
"I'm great..He gave me a book on herbology. Apparently professor Sprout had told him I'm the best at it." He said with some pride in his voice.

"But what are you both doing here anyway?"

"Well since Neville here is one of the best I know at herbology, I'm asking him for help."

Neville awkwardly waved his hand in front of Oliver's face.

"I thought of helping you out. Maybe researching past tournaments could help Harry and in turn, help you..."

Y/n had a dark shade of crimson etched on her face. She definitely wasn't the strongest in hiding her emotions.

"Harry! How was it?!" Y/n asked hurriedly, with a small hint of excitement. 

"The nicest way to describe it would be terrible." Y/n quickly masked her disappointment and got to trying to cheer up Harry. 

"I have to tell Cedric something. Come with me please..." Harry beckoned y/n. She didn't say anything, but just interlokced her arm with his and gestured for him to start moving. The two soon reached the 'main' field of sorts. 

Even though, there were some people who had badges on Harry saying, "Potter stinks", he paid no attention to them and just shoved them off. On the other hand, y/n's blood was boiling.
'What is wrong with these people?! It's Harry!! Last three years, he saved their lives and yet- UGHH!!' She thought trying to resist the temptation to start throwing punches.

The both reach Cedric as he greeted them awkwardly.
"Harry I have told stop wearing the badges..."
"No.. That's not why I came....Dragons..the first task..." He said almost hyperventilating as he thought about what he had seen with Hagrid.
Cedric looked shocked and just said thank you...Suddenly, the competition doesn't seem too great.

As the two were going back, they heard a voice, which they both knew really well. Their reactions...completely opposite.

"Hey y/n!" Before y/n could say anything, Harry questioned him, who was sitting on top of a tree ...what-

"What do you want, Malfoy?!"
He rolled his eyes at Harry and turned back to y/n to continue, his expression immediately softening.
"My friend and I have made a bet you see...He doesn't think you are going to last ten minutes in bed with me..."
He jumped down the tree and smirked.
"I think you won't last five..." He said coming very close.

This time it was y/n who was hyperventilating with a furious blush on her face. And Harry...He was ready to throw hands.
Before he could do anything, Moody came.
"Oh no sonny, you don't get into trouble." He said as he casted a non verbal spell turning him into a snow white ferret.

He made him levitate and right into....Crabbe's pants..Wouldn't wanna be him right now...

Y/n was too occupied to process the scene in front of her. She will have a good laugh on it later though.

Hermione was busy all the time. She went to the library every single day for god knows how long even when they didn't have any homework. One day, in the common room she came and showed the others something a bit ....weird.

"I have done it! Here, look at this." The others looked in half concern and half excitement. It was badge where it was written SPEW. Just that.
Y/n was the first to question.
"What exactly is that...."
Hermione said excitedly with a proud expression etched on her face.
"Society for promotion of selfish welfare."
"Is this about winky..." Ron said, clearly not amused that she spent her time doing this.
Y/n still puzzled looked at Hermione with confusion.
" that..?."
"House elf. I'll tell you later y/n. In the meantime, join my group. Here, 3 sickles, please." She said shoving the badge into their faces.
"I'm not walking around with a badge that says spew."
"It's S-P-E-W Ronald."

The day of the first task finally came. Both y/n and Hermione went to wish Harry good luck. Ron was still...angry.
"Harry! Don't die...please.." Y/n said hugging Harry. Just then, she heard a flash and immediately let go. It was Rita Skeeter. Bitc-

"This tent is for champions and friends...And you are none." Krum said in his oddly deep voice.
"I got what I wanted anyway...." She replied with a mischievous smile on her face.
Hermione also wished Harry and hugged him. This time, she heard a flash again.
" triangle..."
"LEAVE BITC-" Before Y/n could finish her regards to Skeeter, y/n pulled her out of the tent.
The two went up to sit next to Ron, who was still fussing about the fact that Harry joined.
The three almost sat in silence throughout the other three participants. 

"This is going to be hard for Harry...."

Pleaseee let me know if you like this chapter and if you would like whatever the winky thing is.
Also, I made a bet with my sister I could get to 5k views before she uploads a chapter. 😭😂

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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