CH 12- Forgiveness

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"Yeah I do...Wait what..?" A million questions ran through my head but me being me, asked the most normal thing I could find in the gutter I have for a brain, 

"As. a friend right..?..." I asked awkwardly smiling. Draco himself looked flabbergasted at what he had just asked me but there was no turning back. 

"...Yeah..." I was honestly surprised. I masked my disappointment with a smirk and casually put out a witty comment, 

"I mean if you did like me like that, we wouldn't be talking here like this..." I got up and spoke the last words being really close to his ear, almost whispering. I quickly did a little thing, which I'm sure Draco didn't notice because of breathing too hard. 

As soon as he was about to say something, I grabbed my stuff and ran out, 

"Bye Dracoo, I'm late for my DADA class, see you later." I said before zooming out to just in time reach the class. Right after which Professor Lupin came in. 

"Can anyone tell me what's inside this cupboard here?"

As always only Hermione raised her hand. I knew the answer but decided to keep shut. 

"A boggart, Sir."

"Very good, Ms Granger. Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"

And again, Hermione's arm shot up straight.

"Nobody knows, the boggart will take shape of what we fear most."

Many students shuddered at the thought of having to look at it.

"But thankfully, there is a simple spell to repent it. Repeat after me, Ridukkulus."

"Ridikkulus" The class chanted out. 


"This class is ridiculous."

I snickered at this comment. Wait...but when did he get here..?...

"Mr Longbottom, would you like to go first?"

"Uhh OK." I could sense the nervousness basically leaking from him as I saw him go forward. I saw them whispering with each other and I knew exactly what it was. I didn't really hate Snape, he seemed to let me go most of the time but seeing a professor in a grandma's outfit would be entertaining. 

Lupin opened the cupboard and Snape walked out, 


Everyone burst out in laughter as Snape's outfit changed into clothes fit for someone's grandmother. 

Soon everyone formed a line and with some fun music, everyone enjoyed their time trying to visualise their fears and turn it into something absolutely hilarious. 

Soon, came the moment I was dreading. Not because I was scared but because I didn't know what it was. I stood nervously in front of the cupboard, chanting the spell in my head. Out of the cupboard, came something I didn't expect. It was me. Except I looked really happy. 

Confusion was etched on everyone's faces. I, myself was confused. But apparently Lupin understood and sent me back for Harry's turn. And you all know what happens after that. We all were leaving when Lupin asked me to stay behind. I hesitantly nodded and took a seat. 

"Now, Ms y/l/n, do you know why I have asked you to stay here?"

"I don't know Sir."

"Very well. Do you know how a fear is etched into your brain for the first time in your life?"

"Not really, professor."

"A fear is something we have had a bad experience with. Now, happiness isn't something someone would be scared of.  But, unfortunately, fear also exists of the unknown. 

He looked me dead in the eye and continued,

"So tell me Ms y/l/n, have you ever felt happiness?" I stayed silent as emotions came flooding through me. Why have I not realised this yet..?.. I have never been happy.. My expression changed and felt like throwing up.

"Eat, you'll feel better, and I suppose this explains the incident on the train too. It's best to talk about this to your friends. No matter what they think about you later on. After all, secrets always come out..." That was the last thing he said before he sent me out. 

I made my way to the Great hall to meet up with the trio, lost deep in thought. As soon as I was about to enter, I felt hands curl up on my waist which pulled me away. 

"Long time no see, love."

"Hey Fred..." He smile turned into a frown. And his voice became much less cheerful. George was there too and he had the same reaction as Fred but he was the one to speak up. 

"Are you OK, y/n?" He asked with worry lacing his voice. 

"Uhh yeah I am.." I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell anyone about today's DADA class either.

The air became thick and tension increased. They had realised I was lying. 

"Umm, so what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Nothing...Wait, do you have what we asked you to bring from Malfoy?"

"OHH YEAHH!!" I squealed in excitement as I handed them the piece of hair. 

"Wicked." They both said in unison and started to walk away. 

I also turned around to go back to the great hall but someone held me back. 

"Don't be afraid to talk to me. OK, love?" He said with his face close to my neck. So close, that I could feel his breaths hitting my face too. I flushed at this little act and muttered out an OK before running away. 

'Hahah- cute...'

Time Skip 

"Finallyyy, we have our first Hogsmeade visit of the year."

Hermione nudged Ron and pointed at us. Ron immediately realized what she meant and kept shut. 

"Have fun..." I fake smiled convincing them enough to not feel bad about us. 

"Are you sure McGonagall won't allow?"

Harry was about to respond but was cut off when Filch came to ask the students to start moving. 

We waved at the other two and looked at each other with a mix of sympathy and knowingness in our eyes.

I was about to ask Harry to go inside but he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"I really am sorry."

I pulled apart and looked at him in the eyes. Blood rushed up to both our faces as the air suddenly thickened. Our breathings mixed and our hearts beat together in a symphony. I grabbed his hand and slowly went closer, his eyes widening, surprised but not pulling apart. Butterflies swarmed my stomach, making me feel uneasy...I placed a soft kiss on his cheek and breathily whispered,

"And I really did forgive."

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