Ch 10- Resilience

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I wanted to know who it was... My brain wasn't working properly. The gravity of the moment sank in, and as we sat there, both shaken, a tear rolled down my cheek. 'I hate it...why am I crying....'

My voice choked with emotion: "Why did you... why did you stop me?"

The voice, sincerely replied, "Because you matter, Y/N. I don't know you that well.. I don't even know why you just tried that but...But I want to know...I want to help you y/n, whatever it is ."

Tears welled up in both of our eyes as the weight of the moment settled. We sat together for a while, my eyes still not being able to recognize the unknown figure. There was a comfortable silence. Words didn't have to be said. Without any thought, I pulled the figure close, to sit with me, to be with me. I don't care who it is...But I don't want to be alone...I never did. 

My vision slowly cleared as I blinked away the blur from my teary eyes. As I looked beside me, I was shocked to see who was sitting beside me, someone who I didn't expect. 

I was bewildered, "Cedric? What are you doing here?"

He said with a concerned expression, "I saw you, Y/N. I couldn't just stand by."

I continued, still shocked, "But... we barely know each other. Why would you care?"

He said, with sincerity in his eyes, "Sometimes caring doesn't need a reason. Everyone deserves someone who cares."

My tears burst out at those words and I hugged him close. He softly patted my back and comforted me. The weather was chilly and I must have been shivering as he handed me his hoodie. 

"But..what about you?"

"I'm wearing an inner beneath this, I'll be fine."

I managed to give him a soft smile as I put it on. 'It smells good...And it's warm....' I cooed at the sudden warmth that gushed through my body, comforting me. 

As exhaustion took its toll, my eyes grew heavy, and I started to drift into sleep. Cedric, assuming his presence was no longer needed, began to rise quietly. However, just as he made a move to leave, I stirred and reached out, my cold hand gently grasping his.

I said softly, half-asleep but holding on, "Stay, please."

Cedric didn't need any other words as he slowly settled back down. 

The two found a moment of respite in the quiet companionship, bridging the gap between strangers and forging a connection that went beyond words.

Time skip

My eyes slowly fluttered open, when I felt someone shaking me up. It was an oddly peaceful sleep. Not like I ever survive more then an year in any series due to my suicide addiction..But I think this could be different. 

"Hey..y/n..You feeling OK?"

"...Yes...Yes I am Cedric, thank you.." I said looking up at him. 

'Wow..' "Uhh so you wanna skip a few classes and hang out today?"

'How cute...Trying to change the topic' I thought as I noticed the light hue that was on his face.

But all good things have to come to an end. Getting up, I told him, 

"You don't need to skip classes for me. I really do feel fine. I think right now it will be best to talk this out with my 3 idiot friends. Or well only 2 of them are idiots but whatever."

He chuckled at that. 'His voice is like calming.'

 "Well then, I suppose now we have to actually go down to our dorms righ-" His voice was cut off when he saw me opening my clothes.

"Wh-what are you doing y/n...?" He muttered out as he covered his eyes. 

I giggled at his reaction. "Calm down Cedric, I'm just giving you back your hoodie."

"Oh..You don't need to, I have way too many, you can keep it."

"You don't need to give it to me, I have my own too, this is too big for me anyways."

"It's fine really, besides, it looks better on you."

"O-OK then" 'Wait, why am I stuttering?'

"Shall we go down now?"

"We shall"

We interlocked our hands as we head down. There was an hour before everyone actually woke up so I thought I will get ready and probably read a book. We soon reached the gryffindor tower. 

"Well, this is it then..."

"I guess...But, y/n...I wanted to ask you something..."

"Go on" I encouraged as he took a pause.

"Why do you have so many scars on your face...?.."

"What are you talking about...I have no scars..." 

He looked at me sympathetically as he knew I was telling the truth. I really had no idea. 

We bid each other goodbye and he was about to leave when I had the urge to say something to him,

"Cedric...Do you think we could meet each other at the astronomy tower for a few nights...Please.."

He took a pause, "Sure" he said, as he kissed my cheeks and walked away. 

I felt my knees getting weak as I fell to the floor. My hand was on my heart. 'Huh Cedric...What have you done to me.'

Not being able to walk properly, it was hard, but I managed to go in the dorm room. I found Hermione sleeping peacefully...I walked over to my bed when I found a note,

Dear y/n,

Just know that if something is wrong, we all will be there for you. Or atleast, I will. If you're not comfortable sharing about your scars, I understand. But I hope in a problem, you know I will help you.


I smiled slightly and put the note back down. 'Thank you Mione.'

I took my clothes when I walked over to the washroom. I started humming a soft tune, as I got ready to took a shower. Just then, my eyes fell on something.

Eyes, tired and dull. Puffy and red from crying. Scars etched across the face. I traced the lines with trembling fingers, feeling the rough texture beneath my touch. The reality of my journey was laid bare in those marks, and for a moment, I was overcome by the weight of my own resilience. It looked too real...

"That's me?"

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