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"Hot chocolate! Hot chocolate! Hot chocolate~" Hikaru chanted for what felt like the hundredth time that morning

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"Hot chocolate! Hot chocolate! Hot chocolate~" Hikaru chanted for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. Hina sighed, rubbing her temples. Since she had promised to treat him, he hadn't stopped talking about it.

"Okay, I get it! You're excited, but if you keep repeating it, I'm going to bang my head against a wall" Hina groaned. The phrase had been said so many times it didn't even sound like real words anymore.

They entered the café, a cozy spot Hina had discovered while procrastinating on a college project. It had cute decor and a welcoming vibe—perfect for a treat. A woman behind the counter waved them forward after serving a man with crusty hair.

"One hot chocolate and one iced americano, please."

"If you'd like to take a seat, your order will be ready shortly," the woman said, gesturing toward a booth in the corner.

Hina grabbed Hikaru's hand and led him over. "It's so loud in here," he muttered, wrinkling his nose.

She nodded silently, agreeing. The mix of conversations swirled around her head, worsening her growing headache.

Suddenly, a series of loud bangs outside caught their attention. They both turned to see fireworks exploding in the sky.

"Fireworks? In the middle of the day?" Hikaru asked, confused.

Then came the crash. The café lights flickered, the hum of voices vanished, and a thick silence settled over them. Hina's pulse quickened.

"H-Hina? What's going on?"

She didn't respond, getting up to check the window. The bustling streets of Shibuya had emptied. No cars, no people—just her reflection staring back. The sky, which had been bright moments ago, was now unnaturally dark, though it was only 11 a.m.

"Seriously?" Hina grumbled as she pulled out her phone. It was dead. "Stupid piece of shit! I charged you!"

"Na, relax. Look, there's a guy outside," Hikaru pointed toward a figure sprawled on the pavement. Frowning, Hina led her brother out of the café, cautiously approaching the man.

"Excuse me, sir?" she asked, nudging him with her foot. The stench hit her instantly, and she gagged.

"Something's wrong," Hikaru whispered. They circled the man and Hina's stomach dropped. He wasn't just unconscious—he was dead, his face pale and lifeless. A single dot of dried blood marked his chin, trailing down his neck to the ground.

"What the—" Hina's words trailed off as a billboard suddenly lit up, its glow cutting through the eerie stillness.

This way to Game Arena.

Hina blinked in disbelief. "Game?"

Following the arrows reluctantly, they reached a rundown dance studio. Before Hina could stop him, Hikaru ran ahead toward a group of people already inside.

"Hikaru!" Hina called, hurrying after him. She grabbed his arm protectively, eyeing the crowd. They all looked worn, defeated. Her attention was drawn to a white table at the center, covered in phones.

"Let's get out of here," she whispered, pulling Hikaru toward the exit.

"I wouldn't do that," a voice called from behind. Hina turned to see a teenage girl, missing one leg, eyeing her calmly.

"Why not?" Hina demanded, already feeling on edge. "We were just in a busy café and now everyone's gone! I don't have time for this."

Without a word, the girl tossed a bag of chips toward the door. The second it passed the threshold, a blinding laser sliced through it, incinerating the bag in an instant.

Hina recoiled in shock, pushing Hikaru behind her. "What the hell was that?"

"That's what happens when you try to leave," the girl said matter-of-factly. "I'm Heiya, by the way."

Hina's heart pounded. "I-I'm Hina, and this is Hikaru." She cautiously approached the table, picking up one of the phones.

Facial recognition complete: Player Nakamura Hina.
There are currently 7 participants. Registration closes in 2 minutes.

"How does it know my name?" Hina's voice cracked, panic rising in her chest.

"Better question," Heiya said, her tone darkening, "is what happens next. You've entered the game now. You either play... or you die."

Before Hina could respond, the phones chimed. She glanced around, meeting the pitiful gazes of the others. Her eyes fell on a guy in the corner, wearing a white hoodie and... swimming trunks? He seemed oddly calm, uninterested in the chaos unfolding.

Game: Musical Statues
Difficulty: 3 of Spades.

Hina's breath hitched. This wasn't some prank. This was real.

 This was real

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