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Hina's groan was faint but persistent as she gradually regained consciousness

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Hina's groan was faint but persistent as she gradually regained consciousness. Each breath felt labored, and her body ached with a dull, throbbing pain that seemed to pulse with every heartbeat. The sensation of her wounds flaring up was a harsh reminder of the trauma she had endured. After lying still for a few moments, she finally gathered enough strength to open her eyes.

The room she found herself in was dimly lit and smelled faintly of antiseptic. It was a makeshift infirmary, a temporary refuge set up on the beach with basic medical supplies and a few single beds lined up against the walls. The beeping of various medical monitors created a rhythmic backdrop, adding to the clinical ambiance of the space.

Hina's initial attempts to move were met with sharp pangs of pain, but she forced herself to turn her head. She saw Ann, who had her back turned as she attended to a cluttered counter filled with medical instruments and bandages. The sight of Ann's familiar figure was a small comfort in the midst of her disorientation.

With great effort, Hina croaked, "W-What happened?" Her voice was rough and barely audible, her throat feeling like sandpaper.

Ann turned around quickly, her face lighting up with a mix of relief and concern when she saw Hina's eyes open. She moved swiftly to Hina's side, offering her a glass of water and a few pills. "You passed out from exhaustion and shock," she said gently. "You had a pretty nasty gash on your cheek that needed stitching. Your ankle injury was minor but needed proper sanitization and rest. The cut on your waist was deep but not deep enough to need stitches. And you've got a significant bruise on your side from some impact. You'll need to ice it regularly to help with the swelling."

As Ann spoke, Hina's mind raced, piecing together the fragmented memories of the events leading up to her current state. She recalled the horrifying experience of nearly drowning, Yuto's unexpected rescue, the terror of a shark attack, and Niragi's brutal attempt on her life. The last clear memory she had was collapsing in the lobby upon their return to the beach. Her face flushed with embarrassment and gratitude as she processed everything that had happened.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me, Ann," Hina said, her voice steadying with sincere gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

Ann's confusion was evident. "Actually, I wasn't the one who took care of you. Chishiya stepped in and handled most of it. I was just here to assist."

Hina's eyebrows knitted together in surprise. "Chishiya? Why would he do that?"

Ann shrugged, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I guess even he has his moments of unexpected kindness."

The revelation was puzzling. Chishiya, with his aloof and often inscrutable demeanor, was not someone Hina had expected to show such concern. She nodded, her curiosity piqued but set aside for the moment.

With Ann's help, Hina gingerly sat up and then slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed. Ann assisted her in standing, guiding her to the door. Hina offered a heartfelt smile and a final thank you before making her way out, her movements slow and careful due to the pain in her ankle.

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