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After hearing the rules, Hina took a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest

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After hearing the rules, Hina took a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced down at Hikaru, who was still looking around, clearly confused.

"Karu, listen to me. You have to take this game seriously," she whispered, gripping his shoulders. "If you lose... bad things will happen."

"Like what?" Hikaru asked innocently, his wide eyes reflecting none of the fear Hina felt.


Game Start

The sudden blare of music cut her off. Everyone in the room began moving, cautiously, stiffly, terrified of freezing too late when the music stopped. Hina took a moment to scan the room. Two teenage girls in school uniforms clung to each other in fear, an elderly man in a suit stood stiffly near the back, and Heiya, the girl with the missing leg, watched over everyone with a resigned look. But what caught Hina's attention most was the man in the corner—the one with white hair and a white hoodie, still sporting those bizarre swim trunks. He stood lazily, barely moving, as if the stakes of this deadly game didn't apply to him.

The music stopped abruptly. Hina froze, eyes wide as a laser cut through the air, striking both schoolgirls dead in an instant. They collapsed, their hands still gripping each other. Hina's stomach churned.

"That's what happens when you lose," Heiya said softly, giving Hina a pitying look. "Dance like your life depends on it."

Hina swallowed, her limbs jolting awkwardly as the music resumed. She tried to keep moving, feeling more like a marionette than a person. Her eyes flicked back to the white-haired man, who hadn't even flinched. He didn't look human—more like a ghost in this nightmarish world.

The music cut again, and Hina froze. She locked eyes with the man across the room. His expression was as empty as his movements. Why wasn't he scared? What was wrong with him?

The music started again, pulling her back to reality. She moved hastily, her limbs awkward as she bumped into the older man in the suit. "Sorry!" she muttered, but his glare burned into her. Hina focused on moving, unaware of the younger man sliding closer to her through the crowd.


In a blink, the older man shoved her. Hina stumbled, falling to the floor, panic surging through her veins. She braced herself for the inevitable laser, certain her time had come. But instead of pain, she felt an arm wrap around her waist, steadying her.

"Careful," a voice whispered in her ear. "You owe me."

Hina gasped, her heart racing as the music started again. She turned to see her savior: the younger man who had slipped beside her unnoticed.

"T-Thank you, I—" The music cut again, the pauses coming quicker now. A commotion broke out across the room.

"You bastard!" the businessman shouted, pointing at the white-haired man. The suited man's face twisted in fury. "You pushed m—"

He didn't finish. A laser pierced his skull mid-sentence, silencing him forever.

Game Clear, Congratulations.

Surviving players will be granted a three-day visa

Hina exhaled shakily, grabbing Hikaru's hand. She led him toward the exit, but something caught her eye. A white table near the door held a single playing card. She picked it up, staring at the symbol—a 3 of spades. She quickly shoved it into her pocket.

As they turned to leave, the younger man who had saved her appeared in front of them, his hand outstretched expectantly.

"What?" Hina asked, confused.

"The card. Give it to me," he demanded flatly.

Hina hesitated, her hand hovering over her pocket. "Why do you want it?"

When it became clear she wasn't going to hand it over, the man sighed and dropped his arm. "Fine."

"Thank you for saving me," Hina said, bowing slightly. But he merely hummed in response, looking away as if bored.

"I'm Hina," she offered, extending a hand.

"Chishiya," he replied curtly, ignoring her gesture before turning and walking away without another word.

Heiya approached, giving Hina a nod. "You did well. It was nice to meet you. I hope we see each other again," she said kindly before heading in the opposite direction.

"Come on, Karu. Let's find somewhere safe for the night," Hina whispered, leading her brother away.

Later, they found shelter in an abandoned mall. Hina lit a gas burner they'd scavenged, heating up bottled water to cook instant ramen. She sat beside Hikaru, lost in thought. The game replayed in her mind. If that businessman hadn't hesitated, he would still be alive. If that white-haired man had no worries about killing... how many others would act the same? Here, it was survival of the fittest. She needed to be smart. Ruthless, even.

"I'll protect us, Hikaru," Hina vowed softly, watching her brother stir the ramen. "We'll survive, no matter what."

That night, Hina couldn't sleep. Her mind raced with possibilities. Was this some twisted government experiment? An invasion? A nightmare they couldn't wake up from?

Her thoughts were interrupted by beams of light streaking down from the sky, taking the lives of those who had failed to complete their games.

Hina didn't feel fear. Instead, a strange excitement bubbled inside her. She wouldn't admit it, not even to herself, but a part of her almost enjoyed the challenge. She leaned her head back against the wall, eyes growing heavy as she drifted into sleep, her mind buzzing with anticipation for what tomorrow would bring.

 She leaned her head back against the wall, eyes growing heavy as she drifted into sleep, her mind buzzing with anticipation for what tomorrow would bring

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