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The Nakamura siblings stood at the entrance of the abandoned mall, staring up at the darkened, empty building with unease

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The Nakamura siblings stood at the entrance of the abandoned mall, staring up at the darkened, empty building with unease. It had been two days since their last game, which meant their visas needed to be renewed that night. Two days of restless wandering and scavenging, during which they had learned more about the cruel rules of this twisted new world.

Hina clenched her fists, repeating what they'd learned in her mind: the number on the card represented the difficulty—higher meant deadlier. The suit indicated the kind of challenge. Clubs, a team game, required cooperation to survive, the most common type. Spades were physical trials, testing speed, strength, and endurance. Diamonds demanded intellect, strategy, and logic, and were preferred by the cunning few. But Hearts? Hearts games were the rarest and most feared, forcing players to manipulate, betray, and deceive—games that preyed on emotions, where the true battle was fought inside the human soul. Hina had always thought it was fascinating, the cruel intricacy of it all, but now, standing here with her brother, she realized how deadly such a game could be.

The soft tremble of Hikaru's hand in hers brought her back to reality.

"Are you ready?" Hina asked, her voice steadier than she felt. Her younger brother gave a small nod, his lips pressed into a tight line.

They crossed the boundary of the game arena, and almost immediately, their phones buzzed with a cold, emotionless voice.

Facial recognition completed: Player Nakamura Hina
Registration is now closed, there are currently 15 participants

As Hina glanced around, she noted the other players. Some were standing with grim determination, others fidgeted nervously, but none seemed to ask questions. No fresh faces here. These people were not newbies, which meant they were all accustomed to this horrifying world. There would be no mercy.

Her stomach churned as her phone lit up again.

Game: Hide and Seek
Difficulty: 8 of Hearts

Hina's heart sank. She turned to Hikaru, who met her gaze with wide eyes, mirroring her dread. Her hand instinctively reached for the knife tucked safely into her pocket, though the cold steel against her fingers brought little comfort.

"It's okay, Karu," Hina whispered, forcing a reassuring smile. "You've always been great at hide and seek. We'll get through this."

The screen flashed again, laying out the rules.

-Avoid the seeker
-Hiders must stay hidden and not get caught
-Weapons and violence are allowed

Game Clear:
-Hiders don't get caught by the seeker - eliminate the seeker
-Seeker successfully eliminates all hiders

Game Over:
-Hiders get caught
-Seeker fails to find all hiders
-Seeker gets eliminated

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