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"Ow shit-fuck-bitch"

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"Ow shit-fuck-bitch"

The curse escaped Hina's lips as she collapsed onto her bed, her arms throbbing with an intensity that made her want to scream. Her muscles were so sore from yesterday's game that she could barely lift them. She had hoped for a day of rest, but now, the pain was more than she could bear.

"That's not very ladylike language," came a teasing voice. Hina opened one eye to see Kuina standing at the door, her face lit up with a mischievous grin. The contrast between Kuina's cheerful demeanor and Hina's current state was striking.

"My arms are gonna fall off," Hina huffed in response, letting out a pained groan as she sank deeper into the mattress. She shut her eyes, trying to block out the pain and focus on the soft hum of her discomfort. Kuina's presence, though annoying, was a welcome distraction.

A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Kuina moved to answer it, opening the door just enough to peek outside. Hina could hear the familiar, clipped voice of Chishiya, and she didn't need to open her eyes to know that he was the one who had just walked in.

"I need a shower, but I'm not sure I can wash myself," Hina murmured, her voice tinged with resignation. She had hoped for a little solitude, but it seemed that wasn't in the cards today. As Kuina came back into the room, a weight suddenly fell onto Hina's bed, causing her to flinch.

"Maybe I can help," Kuina suggested with a wink. The two girls burst into giggles, their laughter a stark contrast to the heaviness of Hina's situation. Chishiya stood by the door, an expression of mild disapproval on his face as he observed the scene with an almost imperceptible smirk.

Hina scrambled to her feet, shuffling past Kuina and heading towards the bathroom. She greeted Chishiya with a nod, her face flushed from embarrassment and pain. Once inside the bathroom, she took a moment to examine her reflection in the mirror. The dark circles under her eyes were unmistakable, and her skin had taken on a ghostly pallor.

"Great," she muttered to herself, shrugging off her appearance. She began her morning routine, brushing her teeth and stepping into the shower. The warm water was a soothing balm against her aching muscles. As she stood there, letting the water cascade over her, her mind drifted back to the whirlwind of the past few weeks.

A vivid memory surfaced—treating her younger brother to a cozy café visit when the lights had suddenly gone out. The city had fallen into an eerie silence, the familiar hum of urban life snuffed out in an instant. That fateful day had catapulted her into a series of deadly games, starting with a harrowing round of musical statues. She had narrowly escaped death, only to lose her brother in a later game, betrayed by a stranger she had trusted. The guilt gnawed at her, a constant reminder of her failure to protect Hikaru. If only she had been more selfish, more cautious, he might have been here at the beach, safe and sound. The world they now inhabited was a brutal landscape of survival, where innocence was a liability, and kindness could be fatal.

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