Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Laura's POV

I opened my eyes and it was pitch black around me. I was lying in bed and I could hear someone opening my door slowly. I strained my eyes to see who it was and relief fell over me when I noticed it was Mitchel walking in but something wasn't quite right. He walked over to me, his hands hidden behind his back as if he was hiding something from me.

"Mitchel, what's behind your back?" I asked warily and an evil smirk started to grow on his lips.  

"You'll see" he smirked evilly and by now he was towering over me. At this point I was freaking out, Mitchel never acts like this.

"Goodbye Laura" he said bluntly and brought a huge knife out from behind his back. I screamed and screamed as he brought it down to my chest.

"Mitchel!" I screamed one last time, tears pouring down my cheeks as he stabbed me in the heart.


"Laura, wake up!" I heard a muffled whisper right near my face as they shook me gently to wake up. I instantly shot up right in bed with a fright, my teary eyes wide open and my heartbeat racing dramatically.  I'm alive, oh my god thank goodness I'm alive. I looked over to the person beside me; it was Mitchel. He was looking at me with concern, his blue eyes filled with worry.

Mitchel's POV

"M-Mitchel" she stuttered out, tears running down her pale cheeks as she looked at me and then down at my hands before relief fell over her.

"Shh it's okay, it was just a nightmare. You're safe baby" I cooed and pulled her shaking body into mine to hug her tightly. I wrapped my arms around her shaking frame and rubbed my hands up and down her back comfortingly as I rocked her side to side slowly.

"Shhh, just breathe, everything's alright" I soothed her just as my door to my room in the hotel burst open.

"What's wrong, everything okay?" Christian asked frantically as he came into the room breathless and pushed his hair out of his face.

"Yeah, everything's okay. Laura's just had a bad dream that's all" I replied and kissed Laura on top of her head gently.

"Oh right, because I heard screaming and I thought something happened" he said and looked down at Laura who had her face buried into my chest.

"Yeah, she's okay but I don't know why she was screaming yet" I sighed and Christian nodded.

"Hmm, well I'm going back to bed" he smiled sleepily.

"Okay, see you in the morning" I replied as he headed back to the door.

"Yeah, night" he smiled just as he started closing the door.

"Goodnight" I yawned sleepily and he shut the door quietly behind him. I looked down at Laura who was still crying quietly and lifted her chin up with my thumb so she was looking up at me.

"Are you okay now beautiful?" I whispered and wiped her tears away.

"Yeah..." She mumbled and nodded slowly as I leaned down kissing her on her forehead softly.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? You don't have to" I smiled reassuringly and I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair.

"I will, just not now. I don't want to think about it" she sighed before cuddling into my chest again. We stayed like that for a few minutes until she yawned and pulled away from the hug.

"Let's go back to sleep, I'm tired" she yawned again and lied back down. I lied back down, pulling the covers back over us and she rolled over to face me.

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