Chapter 8

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Hey beautiful's, I hope you like this chapter, it gets pretty cute! Sorry if it's short i didn't quite know what to write for it so it's basically a filler but i promise you the next chapter will be much better, it'll be more interesting since i've already started writing it :)

Also one more thing, i probably won't do author's notes at the begining anymore unless i have to or i have something to say about the chapter :) But i'll write one at the end at each chapter!


Lots of Love, Laura :) xxx

Chapter 8

Mitchel's POV

After packing up the picnic rug and candles, Laura and I started to walk back to the beach house in the moonlight with our hands entwined. I still can't believe Laura is my girlfriend, my very first girlfriend and the very first person I've ever kissed before. We both shared our first kiss together, wow. When her soft lips first touched mine, I felt a spark go shooting through my body, as if we were meant to be. Words can't even describe how I felt at that moment; it felt like my heart was going to explode from the amount of emotions shooting through it.

We were halfway back to the house, walking in a comfortable silence while listening to the wave’s crash onto the shore. Every now and then I would look down at Laura who was smiling to herself happily. She was so cute and adorable.  I'm so glad I can now call her my girlfriend; I've never felt like this about anyone before so she is special, very special to me. I never ever want to lose her.

"Thank you so much for tonight Mitch, it was perfect" Laura whispered against my lips before pecking them lightly and pulling away teasingly.

"You’re welcome gorgeous, anything for you" I smiled at her as she blushed lightly and looked down at the ground with a cute smile.

"Come on, let's go see the boys" I grinned tugging on her hand and we headed inside where the boys were doing a twitcam in the lounge room.

"Mitchel!" Christian yelled running up to Mitchel and jumping on him.

"Whoa man, calm down!" Mitchel laughed and Christian hopped down off him.

"Sorry, come join us! We're doing a twitcam!" Christian grinned, running back over to the laptop which was placed on the coffee table with the boys sitting on the couch in front of it.

"Hello guys! How are you all tonight?" I said enthusiastically and waved at the camera while pulling a derp face too. I read the tweets from the fans coming through on the side and laughed at a few.

"Who's the girl?" Luke read aloud a tweet one of the fans posted. I looked over to Laura who was looking back at me with a nervous smile.

"Do you want me to tell them?" I whispered in her ear, making sure no one heard me. She thought about it for a few seconds before nodding her head slowly and gave me a small smile.

"Guys this is Laura... My beautiful girlfriend" I grinned before kissing her on the cheek softly. I heard the boys gasp and I chuckled quietly.

I watched as the tweets coming through went haywire all of a sudden. The majority of the tweets were really nice except for some which weren't nice at all. They were saying how cute and adorable we were; some were saying how pretty Laura was which made me smile; then the occasional mean one saying that she was ugly and didn't deserve to be with me.

"Guys please be nice" Brock said sternly, also reading some of the nasty tweets. I sighed, wrapping my arm around Laura and brought her close to me. I don't care what they say, as long as we're happy that's all I care about.

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