Chapter 5

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Hey guys sorry this is gonna be a really quick and crap update since I haven't proof read my chapter since I've written this all on my iPod and I usually do it on my laptop on the 'Word' document where I can proof read it there! Plus I'm gonna be on school camp from in a few hours till Friday so I won't be updating again till next week, but first of all I will need to edit this chapter when I get back so it might change a little bit so you'll have to read it twice! Sorry! This is the draft pretty much so yeah :)

One more thing, sorry! I'm updating while it's 2:30AM in the morning when I really should be asleep and getting a good nights sleep for camp in what, I think less then 7 hours I leave for it :/ THIS IS FOR YOU GUYS! That's why I'm updating now and all of what i just said probably made no sense since I can barely keep my eyes open... And the same with the ending of this chapter coz I literally just finished writing it!


Laura :) xxx

Chapter 5

Laura's POV

"So how was your weekend?" my best friend Ella asked me as we walked towards our next class which was English. I've known Ella since the first day of year seven but we became really close with each other at the start of year eight and since then we've both been through thick and thin together. We tell each other everything from boys to family troubles. I even told her what happened to my other best friend at the start of year seven, only her, Mitchel and my family know what happened since she was my next door neighbor.

"Yeah it was pretty good, went to the beach on Saturday, chilled with What About Tonight on the beach, went to Christian's house and we watched a few movies, Mitchel was being all cute with me and then yesterday I went to laser tag with them. Oh and Mitchel and I nearly kissed while playing laser tag until the horn went off to end the game..." I trailed off, trying to act as if it wasn't a big deal.

"WHAT?!" Ella screamed and a few of the year nines gave us weird looks. By now we were in the english block with all the year nines waiting to go into class.

"You... You hung out with WAT and Mitchel nearly kissed you! WHAT!" she squealed jumping up and down. Oh I forgot to mention, she's also a huge fan of them just like me. She's my fangirl buddy as you can see.

"Yep!" I squealed, finally letting out all my excitement that has built up inside of me from the past two days.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." she kept on repeating, her eyes pretty much bulging out of her eye sockets and her smile as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge. I just stood there smiling smugly at her.

"Do you think you could get Christian and I together?" she asked once she calmed down and our teacher called us over to line up I go into class.

"Yeah maybe" I grinned as we sat down in our seats.

"Oh my god!" she grinned.

"Laptops out!" my teacher yelled over the class who were speaking loudly.

"When are you seeing them next?" she asked as we pulled our laptops out of our bags.

"Umm I'm not sure, they aren't doing anything today, but tomorrow they got rehearsals" I replied booting my laptop up.

"Aww you're so lucky! I have to meet them!" she giggled.

"You will soon" I smiled at her and we started our school work on crime fiction which was extremely boring I must say.


Thank god it was last period! I was in photography; my favourite subject. I was editing photos on photoshop since there wasn't much to do, I had my earphones in, blasting Live While We're Young by One Direction. It was my favourite song at the moment. I felt my phone vibrate on the desk and looked at it to see I had one new message. I picked it up and unlocked it to see that Mitchel had texted me.

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