Chapter 6

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Hello! It's been quite a while since i updated last, i'm really sorry! A lot has been going on recently so i haven't had the time to update. Thank you for all the lovely comments and votes on the last chapter, it was great coming back from my school camp to see that! Also while i'm talking about my camp, when i was doing high ropes i was freaking out so my friend yelled out that Mitchel was at the end so that got me through the course but it was so funny because the teacher asked if Mitchel was my boyfriend at the end and i was like 'Nah, i wish though, he's in a band!' My teacher thought he was actually my boyfriend lol! 

Anyways, please keep voting, commenting and fanning me! 


Laura :) xxx


Mitchel's POV

"Come on boys we're gonna be late!" Brock yelled from the front door. I quickly zipped up my suitcase and wheeled it down to the front door where Brock was waiting with Laura with their luggage. 

"We're coming!" Tyrone yelled from down the hall where Christian popped out of his room with his suitcase wheeling behind him. 

"Well hurry up otherwise we'll miss the plane!" I yelled just as Luke and Tyrone walked out of their room with their suitcases. 

"Rightio, we got everything?" Luke asked and we all nodded eagerly. 

"Yep, let's go!" Laura grinned and we all piled out the door to the car that Christian's mum was driving us in to the airport. 

The drive to the airport didn't take long, only about twenty minutes or so since Christian lived near there. Once we got to the airport Christian’s mum, Mary dropped us off out the front and we pulled our suitcases out from the boot of the car. We said goodbye to her before entering the sliding doors of the airport. All six of us checked into the airport, collecting our boarding passes and dropped our suitcases off after we went through security. Once that was all done we headed off to our gate. 

"How long do we have until we board the plane?" Christian asked after a few minutes of chatting to each other. 

"About five minutes" Laura replied while she checked her phone for the time. 

"I can't wait!" Christian grinned and for the next five minutes we were talking about our holiday. 

"Flight QR769 to Cairns now boarding" the lady over the loud speaker announced. We all stood up with our carry-on bags and headed over to line up. Once the lady at the boarding line scanned our boarding passes we all ran down the walkway tunnel thing to the plane. 

"Shotgun the window seat!" Laura yelled as we ran into the plane. She quickly walked down the aisle to find our seats while the boys and I followed her. 

"Oi Mitch, sit next to Laura!" Christian whisper yelled in my ear from behind me. 

"Okay" I smiled and slid in to the seat next to Laura. She looked up at me and smiled which made my heart race even more. I put my backpack up in the storage compartment before I sat down next to her. Christian and Luke were behind us then behind them were Brock and Tyrone. The two of us buckled up our seat belts and listened to the safety talk one of the air hostesses was saying at the front of the plane.  

"You okay?" I asked Laura quietly who was shaking in her seat a little bit. 

"Y-yeah I uhh hate plane rides... That's all" she smiled up at me nervously as the plane started to speed up to take off down the run way. 

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