Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry i haven't updated in a few days, i've been on a roadtrip without internet and the place i'm staying at now has got internet so yay! Also thank you sooo much for all the votes and comments, especially the amount of reads! 250+ reads in less than a week :O I wasn't expecting that many in such a short time! 

Anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter, it's much longer and interesting! There's a few cute little bits in it too ;) Please keep voting, commenting and everything else you do while reading this! I love reading all the sweet comments from you guys, so please comment! 

Laura :) xxx

Chapter 2

I turned around again and I caught Mitchel staring right back at me. I blushed, turning back to face the front when I felt one of the boys tap me on the back. I turned around fully and smiled at them.

“Hey babe” Luke smiled at me, making me blush even more.

“Hey boys” I grinned, trying not to fangirl in front of them.

“I’m Luke, this is Brock, Tyrone, Christian and Mitchel” he said, gesturing to each one of the boys. They all said hi and grinned at me.

“I’m Laura and I know who you boys are” I laughed, smiling at all of them.

“You do? Are you a fan or something?” Brock asked, looking confused. He looked so cute!

“You could say that” I replied and I noticed Mitchel staring at me out of the corner of my eye.

“Wait, were you the one who sent the tweet for us boys to come down to Manly?” Christian asked me and I nodded.

"Yep, that was me" I grinned and we moved along in the line, further to the front. 

"I thought it was because I recognized you by your DP on twitter" Christian replied and flicked his hair out of his eyes. 

"Oh yeah" I laughed and turned back around to order my ice-cream from the young guy behind the counter. Once I got my chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream, I walked over to the entrance to wait for them while they chose their flavours.

"Mitch, you ask her" I heard Christian say quietly as the two of them walked over to me with Luke, Brock and Tyrone following behind closely with their ice-creams. 

"Fine..." I heard Mitchel mutter under his breath just as the boys came up to me. 

"Hey" I smiled and licked my very delicious ice-cream. 

"Hey, so um the boys and I were wondering if you would like to hang out with us for the day, only if you want to of course" Mitchel smiled at me and blushed very lightly. Did I just hear right? Mitchel just asked me if I wanted to hang with them for the day, oh my god!

"I'd love too!" I exclaimed and grinned happily at them all, while they laughed at my excitement. 

"Awesome, let's go then!" Christian replied excitedly and we all walked across the road to the beach while eating our icecreams. 

We all walked down to the less packed area of the beach, kicking off my thongs as my feet hit the warm, golden sand. We all pulled out our towels and laid them on the sand in a line with mine in between Mitchel's and Brock's. 

"I swear Ben and Jerry's ice-cream is the best ice-cream I've ever had!" Christian exclaimed finishing the last bit of his ice-cream. 

"I have to agree with you on that one" Mitchel said, also finishing off his ice-cream. 

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