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Ceasar Flickerman

THANA'S FACE HAS been touched up, so the Wells brothers lead her through another hallway. And for the first time since meeting the Wells brothers, Thana is thankful for them. She was already stumbling, but the white high heels make every little step even wobblier and without Luke's twin she would've fallen about 3 times already, and they weren't even there. Thana can't believe that she is wearing Arthur's last design for her, he was one of the few people here in the Capitol she liked and if she was being honest, she loved him more than she should've seeing her status and situation. But she couldn't help it, he offered her some form of normalcy in the madness of the Capitol. And as she lost her grandparents early, he filled their place after she lost herself.

The trio stops before big doors, Luke opening them and peeking in. When the door opens completely, the three enter a rich-looking room with one white wall. In the middle, Peeta and Enobaria already stand ready in white. The latter has no guard, but seeing her facial expression she isn't here because she wants to be. Thana smiles softly at both victors, letting Luke lead her towards them. Both Peeta and Enobaria nod politely back at the girl, the former one slightly confused at how good the girl looks who hears scream in the room next to his. But so is Thana. Not seeing any mark on the boy whose screams keep echoing through her head as if he is singing to her.

Not a whole lot later, Johanna and what Thana suspects to be her torturer enter the silent room as well. Thana's shoulders relax at the sight of her friend, and Johanna shares her first genuine smile since the Arena. At least they know that the other is okay, that they are alive.

"Peeta, in the chair," some charmless photographer demands of the boy who is pulled by a guard to the big chair. One of his legs is strapped to the chair and Thana deciphers a look of shock on Enobaria's face. Of course, Thana hoped she at least realized that they are treated differently, but this showed another time how awful the Capitol had turned towards the lovable teenager. There is no other seventeen-year-old that went or goes through the same as Peeta, no not even Katniss could claim that she is having it worse if she made it out. "Johanna on his left side, Enobaria on the left side and Thana in between the ladies."

As Thana is being led towards the chair, Luke makes sure to lock her to the chair as well. A sad smile covers Thana's features as she sees Johanna being locked as well. Thana smiles lightly at Enobaria who squeezes the girl's arm. A silent way of communicating how sorry she is. Every victor had been sorry for each other once they met at the tribute parade, no matter how much the Capitol thought they loved being back, as Enobaria portrayed. There was no right way to act all those weeks ago, well Thana wouldn't know if actual weeks had past, but it felt like that. No, right after they had gone to the Capitol, they were all lost to the same stupid play. A play they were now forced to continue, but what to say or do was even more questionable.

"Please ladies," the photographer calls the attention to himself, "look at the camera."

As the three victors follow his command, they keep a straight face as the camera flashes. No smile, no pride, they just stand there. All three in their own white dress; Enobaria's white armor-like dress, Johanna's tree-like and Thana's flowerlike white dress that feels almost yellow. All in their capitol persona dressed, even Peeta's suit looks like all the suits he wore before the quarter quell.

It is clear what message Snow wants to tell; they are on his side. Not with the rebels. It becomes even more clear once the president enters the room. Peeta is pulled out of the chair and set next to Enobaria as Thana and Johanna are moved ever so slightly. Coriolanus Snow takes place on the chair, not giving his victors the time of the day. Looking at the camera man and motioning for him to be quick.

"We haven't got all day," Snow's voice sounds like shit in Thana's ears, but she makes sure she keeps her composure. If she could subtly let go of one tear, then consequences be damned.

In the back of the room, Thana could hear them talk about bombs and district 13, she shares a look with Peeta who heard as well.


Once the victors are left alone again, Ceasar Flickerman enters the room. Contrasting greatly with the whiteness of the room and clothes of the victors.

"Let's start, shall we?" He motions for Enobaria to take the chair. "The others can leave till it is their time."

Once both Enobaria and Johanna are done, it is Thana's time. She is lead from her confinement back into the room with the camera man, or now people.

As soon as she sits down and her face has been touched up, her chair is turned towards Ceasar. Who gives the sign to start the recording.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live with our darling Thana Jardin." He motions for the victor who sits opposite of him in white. "Welcome Thana, how are you today."

Behind the camera, right in Thana's view she can see some bords with text and Luke with a murderous glare.

So, Thana puts on something sort of close to a smile on her face, "well, if I am being honest, I have been better." She smiles sadly at the man. "Everything is just still so clear in my mind, so I am still mourning my younger brother." Thana pauses, "I am still mourning Latif's death."

"We were all quite shocked when that happened," Ceasar tries to get Thana to continue, "how are you doing besides that?"

"Well, I miss a lot of things." Thana forces a smile, "my heart pains for everyone I lost, and I wish nothing more than to show them my pain."

Ceasar looks at her confused, both Johanna and Enobaria had been relatively calm and stayed to short answers. But Thana here was letting some things loose. "How do you mean?"

"Obviously," Thana closes her eyes for a moment, thinking how she should break this without overstepping the boundaries she is stuck in. "It feels like yesterday that I came out of the Arena, and I thank them for getting me out." Thana says, trying to imply how grateful she is when all she tries to say is that she is happy the games are done. "But I just feel so confused now, all the time." She plays the innocent card, "I have no idea what is going on, I want nothing more than everything to become clear again."

"Are you saying you don't know about how Rohan went to district 13?" Flickerman asks. "How he and some others, like Haymitch, Finnick and Katniss are foolishly trying to overthrow the Capitol and destroy the peace we have known for the last 75 years?"

Thana could barely hold her face when Ceasar mentioned peace, because she sure as hell never experienced peace in Panem. "Why would I care about him and the others," Thana bites her lip, "when they left me to die? The Capitol saved me, and I am sure they will give them in district 13 what they deserve, tonight."

"Thank you for your time, Thana," Ceasar smiles in content, not understanding the encrypted message of the girl, "The beautiful Thana Jardin."


Nora speaking!
Sorry for the radio silence, my bad
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great start of 2024 (I am not, thanks to everything I need to do for uni, but it is alright)

We are getting closer to the saving of the victors:)
So, soon they shall be 'safe' in district 13

Love you all for reading this story

And side note:
I went to tbosas and to be honest, wtf!
Holy shit, I think the movie is great (as someone who never read more than a few pages of the book because I couldn't stand Coryo's thoughts)
Hope you'll liked it as well <3

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