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it all gets worse

LUKE WELLS storms into Thana's room, he grasps her neck and pushes her up against the wall

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LUKE WELLS storms into Thana's room, he grasps her neck and pushes her up against the wall. Thana tries to break free as breathing gets harder and harder. But so does everything else. The man drops her and stands over the girl menacingly.

"You are lucky Peeta overstepped you with warning them," there is nothing but murder dancing in his eyes. "But that doesn't mean you get off. We now know for certain you are loyal to them, to those little foolish uprisers in district 13."

"I don't know what you mean," Thana says, trying to catch her breath, one that is knocked away again as she is picked up by her neck again.

"Cut the act, foolish girl." Thana's breathing increases as Luke threateningly looks down at her. "The president has decided on a new treatment."

"Treatment?" Thana spits in his face, her breathing becoming even more agitated. "From what?"

Luke laughs into her face, "you will see." He throws her back onto the ground. "We will be back quite shortly."

Thana curls up, her hands in her hair. Whimpering in the wrinkled dress, as she opens the clasps on the heels aggressively. Not caring for the blood, she draws, she throws away the shoes. Soft cries echo through the room as she hugs her legs to her chest. It had all been so unfair, there is only one thing the girl wants. And that is to be home in her father's arms, home with Johanna as they watch the sun set. Home and have Rohan be there to help her with the craziness of the Capitol. Peace, peace is all she asks for. Her mind and body already polluted with their country, her soul broken and yearning for a life far far away from the Capitol. And for once it is completely silent in their hallway, no screaming, no begging, no loud footsteps.


"Good evening miss Jardin," Doctor Marly Sanderson stands in the doorway, something that Thana first saw as a smile of empathy now crystal clear as one of a psychopath. There is a crazy look in her eyes as she walks closer to her 'patient'. "It is lovely to see you again."

"Can't say the same," Thana props her head up, looking at the woman in distaste. A loud slap echoing through the room, blood streams out of Thana's mouth.

"You should learn some manners," Marly takes Thana's chin in her hand, "but don't worry all will come at its own pace." The surprisingly firm grip the woman has forces the girl up.

The white dress drags over the floor as they drag Thana out of the room, to a room a little away; room 1008. Another room probably made for the girl from district 9, the girl whose name once was a synonym for kindness, flowers and sometimes even the sun in the Capitol. A girl betrayed by the Capitol; a girl made to suffer for things that happened long before her first breath. Could they really blame her and all the other victors to for once fight for whatever they had? Because most of it was taken the moment their name was called the first time. Many people say they wouldn't want to change the past, change their life. But Thana would put her hand in the fire, put her life on the line for just a chance of stopping the cruelty of the Capitol; and so, the games that ruined her.

"Look who is already here to welcome you," Doctor Sanderson sounds awfully peppy, so different then when she was the kind doctor Thana first met. "Do we have permission?"

"Yes, we have permission," Luke nods his head, helping Marly strap the girl in the chair.

"Of course," the doctor rubs her hands together, "I have amazing ideas to get this little one to talk." She shares a terrifying grin with Luke, "such a pity it wasn't allowed earlier."

"You know the rules Marly," the man shakes his head, "no touching the precious victors."

Marly Sanderson giggles, "well, guess who isn't a precious victor anymore." She spits in Thana's face, "we have big plans for you and your two arena buddies."

Thana thrashes around in the holds, "keep your hands of them!" her voice is shallow.

"No," Luke Wells slaps Thana on the same spot as Marly not too long ago. "You had your chance to talk and state their safety, that privilege is long gone now."

Tears escape Thana's eyes as they take her left arm to be hanging above the ground, doing the same to her right arm.

Marly hands put a masker on the victor's face, it reminds the girl of the gas maskers district 9 has and are used when working with dangerous gasses and other substances.

"What are we doing?" Luke asks, not understanding the plan of the doctor.

The woman simply smiles, "you will see." She hands a masker without tube to Luke before she fastens a tube to Thana's. The girl unable to fight back as the doctor puts her own masker on. A small tank with some oil like consistency in it places under the girl arms.

After some time, Marly ignites fire in the tanks, the flames going up and nearly licking the arms of Thana. The victor whimpers in pain at the immense heat her arms are experiencing. Luke looks at Marly and is almost frightened at the smile the woman has as she pushes in a red button. He hears some sort of gas going in, but he sees nothing.

"What is it?" Luke motions to the tube, "what kind of gas is it?"

"Carbon Monoxide," the doctor answers as Thana hands lower into the fire, strength leaving the girl's body. Marly presses the same red button and the gas stops going into Thana's masker and so body.

Fire licks on the girl's finger as Thana passes out, both from the Carbon Monoxide and pain from everything else.

Luke's mouth is wide open, for some reason he feels a little for the woman. Because no matter how much he wishes for her to open her mouth, possibly being poisoned to death was not on his list of acceptable torture for a 20-year-old.

"Close your mouth Wells," Doctor Anderson grins at the man, dropping fire cloths on the tanks. "Help me with bringing her back to 1004."

Without a word, Luke slowly opens the metal holds, eyes wide at the marks both the fire and warm metal made on the skin of the victor.

And for the first time since Thana forcefully had to take residence in room 1004, she is carefully put down on the hard bed. Luke putting a cloth over her and laying some new clothes by her pieces of bread and water before he leaves the shallowly breathing girl alone.


Nora speaking!
The actual horrifying torture has begun, and I am a little frightened at what I came up with. Also Luke Wells feels remorse?

Anyway, sorry for another late update, my exams are this week and last week was deadline week. I'll try to make some time free for new chapters in the future.

Can't wait for these torture scenes to be over because they are very hard to write, I get sad every time. I just want Thana to be happy and at peace <3

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