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          Demir Adams | Aka Delo | Poppa |AGE|20

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Demir Adams | Aka Delo | Poppa |AGE|20

Miami Fl
2 years later

"Mylaa come on get up" I said waking Mylaa up for her first day of school.

"No Poppa I don't want to go" Mylaa said in her most sweeties voice. "nigga this your first day hurry and get ready" I said.

As Mylaa got ready, I got ready doing my hygiene routine then putting on my purple jeans and a black hoodie even though it was hot ash outside

"Alright be good" I said as Mylaa was getting out trying to be funny knowing she hate school.

"Ok bye Delo" Mylaa said as Delo gave her a death stare because he don't like her calling him that.

I pulled off from Mylaa school heading home until I realized Ian have no bobs to roll up with so I went to the corner store to go get me some.

"Aye what's up my friend , long time no see" Frank the owner of the store said to me. " wassup Frank I been out the way ".

As I was paying for my bobs and was about to walk out the store I seen this one lil broad she was brown skin with tattoos.

"What the fuck is you looking at " the brown skin girl told me . "I'm looking at you the fuck" with an annoyed look on my face.

I walked out the store heading to my car then I felt somebody tap me , "I'm sorry for being rude " the brown skin girl told me .

"You straight what's your name ?". I asked her .

"Babi , what's your name?" She responded .

"Delo " . I said about to get in my car because it was nothing else for me to say.

"Ummm like ... can I get your Instagram ? " she said awkwardly .

"@delofrm4" . I said .

"Okay I'm about to follow you right now" she said with a smile walking away .

I pulled out from the corner store then I got a call from my lil sister .

"Poppa please come pick me up I don't wanna be here I hate it here" . My sister said with a sad look on her face.

"Mmtch alright bruh I'm coming , this the last time I'm coming to get yo ass early ". I told her Lying knowing I always come get her early .

I pulled up to mylaa school a hour later because I had some plays to go do which I don't like her with me.

"Who you here for " the front desk lady asked me with a big ass Mole on her face.

"Ja'mylaa Adams" . I told the lady walking outside to wait for my little sister to come out.

5 minutes went by and my sister was walking out the school with a big ass smile on her face.

"Thank you Poppa I did not want to be here " . Mylaa told me smiling.

"Yea yea next time yo ass staying at school the whole day ". I lowly said getting in the car .

"Poppa can we go get some food"

I nodded my head driving out her school going to Benihana since it was lunch time.

Walking into Benihanas I seen babi , the girl earlier from the corner store.

"What the fuck you following me? " I asked her .

"No boy you following me " she told me laughing .

Ian respond as the waitress walked us to the same table .

Me and my little sister ordered our same order we always get when we come here .

When we was finished I ended up telling the waitress to add Babi on our tab.

As me and Mylaa was getting into the car I got a notification from instagram.

[delofrm4] babigirl._ 1m
you didn't have to pay but thank you😘.

I laughed and liked the message.

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