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                    Demir Adams | aka delo | Age 21

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Demir Adams | aka delo | Age 21

"Ma when I get rich im going to buy you a big house" I told my mom while she was giving me a bath

"Aww that's nice baby but come on and get cleaned up so I can take you out the tub and plus you're only 6 years old you don't need to be worried about that right now " My mom told me

Me and my mom was very close even though she would sell herself to buy drugs . But I never noticed that i always looked at my mom like she was a angel.

Even though My momma had a drug addiction she always made sure I had a good life and made sure she kept me protected.

After i got in the shower i went in my room to put on some clothes .

"You wanna play a game " This unfamiliar looking man told Me .

"Ron leave my son alone " My mom yelled to the man .

"Bitch you want these drugs or not " Ron responded to my mom

My mom took a long pause staring at the man debating if she want to answer that question or not .

"Yea I do " My mom responded to the man

"Ok den let me do what I gotta do " Ron told My mom trying to get close to me .

I seen what the man was trying to do and I started pushing him off of me but the man strength was too strong for me.

I tried screaming out for my mom help but she just sat there and watched like a fucking dumb ass, that's when I knew that my mom chose drugs over me .

After pushing and hitting the man I finally got out of his grip and ran to my draw where I kept a gun I had found . 

We stayed in the projects I found a gun at the playground one day and just brung it home I always was fascinated with guns.

I pulled the gun out of my draw and shot the man multiple times leaving the man lifeless on the ground. I just sat there and saw the now dead man in my room while my mom screamed.

That was the day I caught my first body and me and my mom bond was never the same since then .


I just came back from the block after selling I went in my room to count my money and seen I wasn't making enough money.  Even though I was thirteen years old I still needed to make more money than I already was making.

Damn I need to find me a new hustle Ian really making breesh like that .

I picked up my laptop to see if I can start scamming one of my homeboys already taught me how but I never really tried to do that shi on my own but today was gonna be the day.

After a few mins I was starting to get the hang of it . "Ight bet I think I can get use to this " I said to myself

"Lil bitch go in your room " I heard somebody yell to my sister .

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