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Delo , Taylor Nina and Satan decided all to go on a couples date since the two couples been busy they haven't really hung with eachother .

Since delo and Taylor came back from vacation they've been with eachother non stop. And Nina and Satan just been doing their own thing.

"Oh my god best I'm so mad you can't drink with me " Nina told Taylor while drinking her lemon drop she just ordered.

" girl right I can't believe I'm pregnant " Taylor told Nina while shaking her head and drinking her water.

"I can " delo said smirking looking at Taylor . Santan and Nina laughed while Taylor looked back at delo with a frown.

"You laughing Nina you gonna be next "

"I doubt it boo me and my man practice safe sex , aint that's right baby " Nina replied back to Taylor then looked at satan for confirmation and he just nodded his head .

Taylor just shook her head and looked over at delo before she looked down at his food and seen that his food looked better than hers .

"Can I get some of that " Taylor asked as she looked at  delo waiting for him to say her favorite word "yes".

"Get it " Delo shrugged knowing Taylor was going to cry if he told her no .

Taylor was not that far along in her pregnancy but she still been very emotional and snappy lately. So delo let her get away with anything literally.

"We should slide to taboo this weekend skilla baby , Rob 49 & money bagg yo post to be out there" satan said looking up from his phone .

"Oh yes I definitely want to go Skilla baby he so damn fine " Nina said loudly in her chair and everybody at the table turned to look at her .

Taylor laughed at her response while delo and satan held a frown on their faces. Satan wasn't insecure about stuff like that but it was the "so damn fine " that pissed him off.

And delo was just being delo , a over protective brother he didn't care how old or how grown his sisters were he  was always going to be overprotective.

"Don't get skilla fucked up " satan told Nina while still looking at her . "Right" delo nodded in agreement

Nina just laughed she knew satan would get mad about what she said that's why she said it .

She loved seeing how overprotective satan was about her it made her attracted to him more .

After a hour of eating and talking it was time for everybody to go . So delo and satan split the bill so they can leave .

"You coming home with me tonight " delo asked Taylor while they was pulling out of the restaurant parking lot.

"No I want to go home tonight " Taylor told Delo truthfully. He just nodded backing out going to the direction of her house .

He really wanted her to stay with him because he slept better when she was in the bed with him but he had something to do the next day anyways that's why he didn't really beg for her to stay with him .

Delo pulled up to her house and Taylor got out going into her house . When delo seen she was in the house safely he backed out of her drive way and drove off home .

When Taylor walked in her house she froze seeing her brother sitting in her living room. 

"When did you get out the hospital " Taylor asked Tariq with a confused expression .

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