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                                                     Tariq Ja'mari Ele | Aka Jdot| Age 23

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     Tariq Ja'mari Ele | Aka Jdot| Age 23

                                         3:19 am

"It can't wait till later I'm handling something right now " delo said to whoever he was on the phone with .

I don't even know how these hoe ass niggas caught me lacking but they did.

"Alright I'm on the way "

"I need you to handle him for Me" delo told his homeboy as he dapped him up and walked out of the garage .

I was tied up in the seat and my face was bruised up from delo soft ass hitting me repeatedly.

I watched his homeboy as he walked over to the other side of the garage to grab a gun , he looked like a rookie to me.

"How long you been doing this ? look like youn know what you doing " I asked the boy shaking my head.

"Im just doing this for money "

"Oh word how much he paying you to do this , I'll pay you triple if you let me go" I asked the boy trying to convince him to let me free .

"Nice try ion know you like that for me to believe you'll give me some money " the boy replied back to me .

"Ion make promises to a lot of niggas but I promise I'll look out for you if you let me go , I'll even put you on my team so you can make some real money".

"How soon you gonna give me my money " the boy asked me .

"As soon as you need it "

The boy just looked at me not looking convinced at all .

"I put this on my dead homies ima look out for you if you let me go "

The boy let out a sigh and went behind me so he can untie me . "Listen man leave quick because if he found out I let you free he's gonna kill me "

"You good lil nigga Ian gone let nothing happened to you " I responded back to the boy and I dapped him up 

I looked around the garage to see if anybody was around then I ran out .

I couldn't wait to catch up with delo this time I was going to kill his ass I don't know how I'm going to find him but when I do it's over for him .

While I was walking I called up my lil shit I been vibing with to see if she was up.

"You still up " I asked her over the phone

"Yes " she replied back to me

"Alright bet I'm about to be on my way " I said to her before I hung up the phone while walking towards her house .

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