Social Studies Project

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I saw him walk down the hall and enter the Mr. Birch's classroom. I shook my head and ran after him.

Seriously though? How can I fall in love with this guy? I only just met him.

Once I entered the classroom, students were all in a line against the wall, waiting for the teacher to give orders. I ran to join them and ended up at the end of the line.

The teacher stood in front of us and cleared his throat.

"Good morning class. I am your Social Studies teacher, Mr. Birch, and you might think of my as strict, but I'm only like that because I'm serious about my work. I love mysteries and solving them about our past, researching you could say, and I hope you will find the same interest in what I teach. I have already made a seating chart, so please wait patiently, until I call your name. Once I call your name, you may come up and take the seat that I am standing next to."

Mr. Birch started to call up names and people sat down in their assigned seats, with either a smile or frown. I hated getting my name called. I would have to take my seat with everyone watching me. I hate it.

Mr. Birch called up people to take the 1st row next to his desk.

"Kenny." The teacher pointed towards a desk in the front of the class in the 2nd row next to Mr. Birch's desk. He the. Filled up the rest of the row with other students and went to the 3rd row.


Dawn. I felt my heart give a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. I thought I wouldn't of had any of my friends at all in any of my classes.

Mr. Birch pointed towards the 3rd row in the front of the class, next to Kenny.

Dawn walked up in front of the class and took her seat.

Then Mr. Birch went down the rest of the 3rd row, more kids taking their seats.

"Serena." Mr. Birch pointed to the seat in the 4th row right next to Dawn. I felt heart lift up.

I smiled and took the seat next to her. Once I set down my backpack and binder I looked over at Dawn and she had a wide smirk on her face. I smiled back. The only problem was that I was in the front row, but if Dawn was sitting next to me, I could live with it.

The teacher called up the rest of my row and then went to the 5th row, starting with the one in the front.


I felt my heart explode once again and my body heat up. What were the chances of him siting next to me? I looked away from Dawn to make sure she didn't notice my pale face. Wait. Why am I acting like this? I don't like him! I just ran into him today and I can't already have feelings for him. Or could I? Wait, no. Stop it Serena. This is school and I can't let myself get distracted like this. But... he is cute- wait? What!?

Ash took his seat next to me and gave a smile. AT ME. I felt my face heat up and I and looked down at the floor, my hair blocking my face so neither Ash or Dawn could see it.

When I knew that no one was looking at me I lifted my head up and looked at the teacher who was standing in front of the classroom.

"Today we shall be learning about the history of World War II."

That got my attention. I started to think of the world war instead of Ash. After awhile of Mr. Birch talking about it and even though we probably already know about it from 7th grade, he tried to refresh our memory of it, but after about a half hour of him talking about it, my mind went back to Ash. That irritated me. This was exactly what I didn't want once I started 8th grade. And here I am, crushing on a guy on the first day of school. I mentally facepalmed myself.

And the worst thing of it all, was that if he was in this class, which meant that he was in my team, which meant he could easily be in any other of my classes. Now I mentally banged my head against my desk a million times. It couldn't much worst could it.

Mr. Birch started to walk around the room and said, "This year, I want all of you to team up."

For a split second everyone in the class eyed someone that they knew.

"And no. I shall be the one pairing you up." Mr. Birch laughed.

Everyone's head slouched down in disappointment.

"Oh, it's funny seeing all you just jump out of your seats and then get sad in a matter of seconds." He smiled.

At that moment I knew I would love this teacher. He was one of those serious, yet can make the whole class laugh as soon as you knew it. I loved teachers like that.

"You will be working with one person in this class to learn of World War II together. This way, you can get to know someone in this class, other then your other friends that you already know everything about. You shall all be making a poster or a PowerPoint for this. Everyone will be presenting this project by the end of the quarter, I will also will give you all the rubric for this project." He then lifts up small sheets of paper from his desk and lifts them up to the air to show everyone.

"The main reason for this project is to bring you and your partner closer together and learn about team work and also to learn about World War II of course." He smiled, giving a deep exhale and said, "Okay, I'll be reading of the list students in this class and pair the in groups. The first challenge is to find the person that you are partnered with.after you find them I want you to plan whether or not you are making a PowerPoint or a poster."

Mr. Birch picked up a clipboard from his desk with a paper attached to it, with everyone's names on it.

"Marry and Keith, Kayden and Johnny, Dawn-"

I crossed my fingers.

"and Kenny"

I felt my heart drop and a frown slowly crawled across my face. I let out a sigh and looked over at Dawn.

Her back was slouched and a frown on her face with her eyelids half way closed to show how uncomfortable she was with the pairing.

"Tanner and Ryan, Luis and Adam, Kaitlin and Mia, Ash and Serena-"

Right then my ears blocked out the rest of Mr. Birch's words and my heart stopped, letting out a final beat like it did last time, except this time it fell down to my stomach and filled it with butterflies. Never mind, it could get much worse apparently. I always jinx myself. Always. I mentally slammed my head down on my desk again.

I gave a deep sigh and looked over at him. He was smiling at me. AGAIN.

I felt like fainting. I had to spend the rest of the quarter working on a project with him. There is no way I could last that long. I know that eventually my mind will play tricks on me and will want me to become more then friends with him. I don't want that. Just like I said that earlier, we were too young. I knew me and I knew my mind, I will eventually break and embarrass myself around him. Okay, okay, that's not too bad, it's not like I'll die or anything... Who am I kidding? Someone shoot me already. This was going to be the end of me. I'll have to move schools or something.

My mind went crazy as Mr. Birch finished pairing people up.

"Well, should we get started?" Ash stood up from his seat and starred down at me with a smile. The same damn smile.

Seriously though, someone shoot me.

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