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"Wait! May!" I kept running after her, but if don't seem like she could hear me through the crowd.

She eventually came to a stop and sure enough, there was Iris and Misty.

"I found Serena!" May yelled.

I stopped running and I turned around, but before I could get out of their sight Misty spotted me.

"Serena!" She yelled and put her hands on my shoulders. "What happened!?"

Iris ran up next to her and looked at me. "Are you two dating!?"


I was interrupted by Dawn.

"No she's not dating him. It was just a perfect timed photo, that's all." Dawn said.

"Do you have a crush on him then?" Iris asked, not paying attention to Dawn.

"No. She doesn't." Dawn stood in front of me.

"Yeah, but I saw Serena blush." Iris frowned.

"You know that Serena blushes at everything." Dawn crossed her arms.

"I'm still not convinced." Iris looked at me over Dawns shoulder.

"Serena?" Dawn looked over at me. "Can I tell them?"

I nodded, knowing I was already caught anyway.

Dawn exhaled and quickly whispered to Iris and Misty, "Serena- has a crush on Ash."

"WHAT!?" Misty yelled, some people around us starring at us as if we're maniacs.

"I'll explain to you guys what happened after we leave Disney land." Said Dawn.

"What? Why not now?" Misty asked.

"Because we're at Disney Land, not school."

"That's so not cool." Misty gave Dawn a death stare.

"Yeah, and black licorice isn't too, now come on, let's go get on that roller coaster." Dawn laughed and walked towards where we left my group, me and Iris following.

"Hey, I actually like black licorice." Misty frowned and then ran after us.

Ash's P.O.V

Out of no where, Serena disappeared and now we can't find her. Why does she keep doing this?

I felt my heart beat against my chest as we were still looked for after 15 minutes.


I turned around, hoping to find Serena, but instead I found Dawn.

"Oh, hi. Have you seen Serena anywhere?" I asked.

"I'm right here!"

I turned my head at a 90 degree angle and found Serena laughing.

I felt my heart beat slow down a bit.

Serena's P.O.V

"Where's Bonnie and Clemont?" I looked around, but didn't see anything except for more and more people.

"They were kinda looking for you." He scratched the back of his head and gave a nervous smile.

"Oh, well do you know where they went to go look for me then?"

"Yeah, they headed across the bridge and they said they would look somewhere around the roller coaster." He replied.

"Sweet, that's perfect then!" Dawn jumped up. "Come on! I want to go ride it!" Dawn ran over to the bridge, running past people with trays holding food.

"Come on!" Ash yelled and took my hand, and ran after her, making me blush the most I ever have in my entire life as I looked down at our two hands intertwined as he dragged me along.

Pokemon Junior High ~Young Love~ (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now