Ferris Wheel

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Ash's P.O.V

I still felt my heart beat quicken once I stepped out from the roller coaster.

Serena was still smiling as we left the roller coaster behind us as we walked out to go see the pictures. To be honest, I was kinda crossing my fingers that no one noticed me and Serena holding hands.

Once we neared the photos I saw everyone bring out their iPhones to take pictures of the pictures which I thought was pretty smart, but I decided no to bother taking out mine.

We all gathered around the screens as our photos showed up.

Gary's face was hilarious. He looked as if he was about to be killed with his mouth opened to a frown as he screamed with his eyes closed shut.

Misty seemed to be having a blast on the other hand. She wore a huge grin as they took the picture.

Iris seemed to be having the most fun with a huge grin on her face and her hands up in the air.

Calem next to her was smiling, which I wasn't actually happy with for some reason. I wanted the opposite of the saying "turn that from upside down." for Calem.

Dawn seemed to be having a blast while Kenny, I'm not so sure. I couldn't tell if he was frozen from fright or just didn't smile once the photo was taken.

Then there was May and Drew, both of them seeing to be enjoying it with the same grin that everyone had.

Then me and Serena. Both of us having smiles on our faces as Serena's hair was flying into her face. Then if you looked closely you could see us holding hands.

"Haha! Gary!" Serena pointed at the photo of his screaming his face off.

"Eh- yeah- but... look at Kenny!" Gary pointed at him on the screen.

"Looks like one of those bad year book photos." Misty laughed.

"Oh my gosh Serena, look at your hair!" May pointed at her, laughing.

"Hehe, yeah." Serena sweat dropped.

"Let's go get on another ride!" Iris yelled.

"Yeah, let's go!" Misty and everyone else started to walk away, but instead Gary stayed examining the photos.

"Um- Gary? What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer and instead he took a photo of every one the photos. Once he reached me and Serena's he was about to look at it again, but then the photo changed.

"Agh." He whined and then looked at the photos from as he followed the rest of the group.

We turned to the left and headed towards the Ferris Wheel.

I started to get this sick feeling in my stomach as we neared it. Some of the seats on it slide back and forth on a circled rectangle so when ever the Ferris Wheel moved, so did the seats. The seats were caged, so no one could fall or jump out of it. But then there was some that didn't move at all and stayed it place. I've been on a Ferris Wheel before, but now I don't know why I feel sick whenever I watched it. I looked into one of the seats and saw couples in them, some holding hands and some watching the view.

Once I saw that I felt my heart stop again. Realizing that that could be Calem and Serena. I looked over at the two walking into the line as their hands almost touched, making me feel nauseous again. Then I saw that they wore the same bracelets on each other's wrist. Were they dating? I always see her hanging around him once I go to school, so I guess it would make sense.

I saw the rest of the group go in the line, but i stood there and watched as my heart started to gain more injuries.

Serena's P.O.V


We were the next to get in a kart. Me and Calem both decided to go on the moving one, obviously going to be the more fun one to ride.

I looked behind me for Ash, but I couldn't spot him anywhere. I looked in the line, but still couldn't find him. Sucks too cause I wanted him to ride with us. Calem said he didn't mind, but now I couldn't even ask him.

We were next in line and we entered the next kart. Once we entered it, the closed the doors behind us and we both say down in a seat. I looked up and saw the kart lift up from the ground and bring us up and then stop again.

"So, what's been going on in school?" Calem asked.

"Nothing really." I looked down.

"That's not true. You've been acting weirdly lately. Is everything alright?"

The kart holding us started to slope down.

"Can I trust you with a secret?" I looked over at him.

"Of course." He smiled.

"Well... I kinda... I... I kinda have a crush on this boy and I don't know what to do."

"It's Ash isn't it?" He looked at me, his face flat.

"How did you know?"

The kart swung back and forth as we neared the top.

"Everyone at school knows it! It's pretty obvious if you ask me."

"Really?" I asked as if I didn't believe him.

"Yeah! You blush like 10 times a day around that guy!" Calem laughed. "Not to mention how shy you get most of the time. Including those photos."

"Wait!? How did you see the photos!?"

"Misty kind of showed me them." He sweat dropped. "And then I also saw the photo on the roller coaster with you guys holding hands. I'm surprised you guys aren't dating." He laughed.

Our kart slide back down, throwing us to the back of our chairs.

I gave a sigh and asked, "Is it that obvious?"

"Pretty much."

"Agh." I face palmed myself.

"Hey, it's not that bad! It's obvious that Ash likes you back!"

That got my heart beating.


"Yeah, he acts totally different around you. Plus, he loves hanging around you, no objections there. You're in his group after all."

"But- he said that we were friends and that we always would be to Gary."

"That's just him trying to hide he fact that he likes you. Trust me Serena, I can tell. He really does love you back."

The kart stopped and the door opened up, both me and Calem stepped out and headed for the exit, my mind playing with me, asking over and over if Ash liked me back.

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