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"Oh, yeah I guess." I answered, almost unsure.

"Sweet, do you wanna do a poster or a PowerPoint?" He asked.

"Um. I- I don't care."

"I want to do a poster. I'm not good at PowerPoints." He laughed.

"Okay, I guess we'll do a poster." I smiled.

Right then, Dawn poked my shoulder and I turned around.

"What are you guys doing? Me and Kenny can't decide."

"We're doing a poster." Ash said.

"What should we do then?" Dawn asked.

"You should do what ever you two feel like doing. Are either of you good at PowerPoints or posters?" I asked.

"Well, I'm good at PowerPoints." Kenny said, his head popping up over Dawn's shoulder.

Dawn exhaled and said, "I dont think so. If you do that, I might not be able to help. I'm not one for doing PowerPoints."

"I'm not good with either." I sighed.

"I don't know, I'll go ask Mr. Birch." Dawn turned back around and jumped out from her desk to Mr. Birch.

"So, should we do it at your house or mine?" Ash asked.

I felt my heart beat fasten. This would go bad either way. He would either go to my house or I would go to his. Crap. How is this possible? The first day of 8th grade and we are already doing a dang poster together at each other's house. I couldn't take it anymore. What's next? Someone dares me to kiss him? I felt the room get dizzy around me.

"We could go to mine. My mom doesn't care." He suggested. "And we can work on it Saturday."

"Sure." I gave a weak smile, my head still spinning.

"Um, are you okay? You look pretty pale." Ash looked closer and studied my face.

I felt my face get warm.

"Now your face is turning red. Maybe you should go to the nurse." He leaned in closer.

I felt my face heat up like a sauna now. I leaned backward to back away.


I looked to the side and saw Dawn with my face as red as ever.

Ring, Ring

The bell rang and everyone jumped out from their desks and headed for the exit.

"Wait!" Mr. Birch yelled, his voice echoed around the room, making me, Ash, and Dawn jump.

Everyone stopped and sat back down, frightened from Mr. Birch's temper.

"You must all wait until I dismiss you, see that you do not do this again, or else I'll make you stay in this class until you're late for your next one."

Okay, so maybe I wasn't going to like this teacher that much. That pretty much scared the crap out of me. And it didn't help my head at all either. Now I'm pretty sure I had a headache.

"You are all dismissed." The teacher sighed as he sat back down on his leather chair.

Everyone silently walked or ran out of the classroom, either scared out of their wits or desperately wanting to get out.

Ash ran out before I was able to get up from my desk. I jumped up from my seat and threw my backpack on, with my binder in my hands.

I ran out the door and looked around the hallway to look for Ash and to see if he was heading for my next class.

Luckily he wasn't. Instead he was heading in the opposite direction.

I sighed in relief, but then jumped up once I felt someone tap my back. I looked behind me and saw Dawn.

"What are you doing?" Dawn asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You were staring out in the distance, you know, like into space." Then it hit her. "OH. MY. GOSH!" She screamed, jumping up and down as she looked down the hallway.

"What!?" I hugged my ears, I swear they were about to jump off my head from her yell echoing through the whole school.

"You like that boy don't you!"

I felt my heart give out from beating to fast. This was it. Now she was going to tell everyone and it was going to be the end of me.

"I don't know how I didn't notice till now!"

I hung my head in shame... Well, embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh- I mean I know that he's cute and all, but I did not expect you to fall in love with a guy like that!"

"What do you mean a guy like that?"

"He's the new kid. They say that he's traveled to over 6 states because of his mother. His mom has been traveling all over the world because she's trying to look for a job." Dawn jumped.

"How was she able to travel through 6 states if she's looking for a job?"

"They say that she's saved up money from her previous jobs to travel to another one until eventually she has enough to travel."


"I know right! Anyway, tell me what you like about him! His eyes? His smile?"

"I don't know why I like him!" I screamed, but not loud enough for anyone to hear, but Dawn.

Dawn screamed as if she was fangirling over the matter. I was caught. Now I knew I got myself in a lot of trouble.

Pokemon Junior High ~Young Love~ (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now