Hotel Arrival (Part 2)

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Serena's P.O.V

"So have you finally admitted your feelings towards him!?" Dawn jumped.

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, have you finally admitted to yourself that you like him?!" She clapped her hands together.

"I- I guess so."

Dawn jumped up one last time and then ran back to the front of my hotel, leaving me their.

"Well that was- weird?" I started to head back to the hotel, but before I reached the front of the hotel, I heard someone shout out my name.

I looked to the side of me and saw Calem, a smile on his face.

"Serena!" He eventually ran up in front of me and said, "Man! I never thought I would be able to find you! I was hoping that you could join my group!"

"Group?" I asked.

"Yeah! Didn't you hear about it?"

"Uh, no." I frowned.

"Oh, well we are supposed to get in groups of four and go get a key to get a room."

My mind went to Ash for some reason.

"Oh- no sorry, I already have a group."

"Really? Who are you with?" Calem asked.

"I- I'm with- my friends."

"Dawn? May? Iris? Misty?" He asked.

"Um, no. Their actually new friends."

"Oh... Okay, sorry, for bothering you, I got to go." He turned around and ran in the opposite direction that he came.

I sighed in relief and continued to walk over to the front of the hotel.

Ash's P.O.V

I was still confused about love, but now their all telling me that I have feelings for Serena. I mean, I guess I do, but I'm not an expert so I guess I shouldn't complain or anything, but I really do think that I love Serena. They told me everything you do when you like a girl and it seems like I've been through all of them as I hanged around her. And now i can't stop thinking about her.

Now everyone's telling me invite her in my group as well. Bonnie said that she wants to be in our group as well, which I don't mind, but I don't know if Clemont is okay with it.

"Can we big brother?" Bonnie begged.

"I don't know." Clemont scratched the side of his forehead.


"If it's alright with Ash I guess." Clemont looked up at me.

"Of course it's fine!" I smiled.

"Yay!" Bonnie jumped up and gave a smile that spread across her face.

I heard someone familiar and I turned around and I saw Serena smiling at me.

I felt my heart starting to beat faster as I turned around to face her.

"Hey." I smiled, I couldn't tell if she could tell if I was nervous or not, but I sure could.

"Hey, so what are you doing?" She asked.

"I was ac-actually just looking for ya."

"Oh, okay. Have you got in a group yet?" She looked back at me.

"I- I was actually wondering if you could be in the group with me, Clemont, and Bonnie."

"Me? Really?" She asked, surprised.

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