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Ash's P.O.V

Serena placed the last picture on the side of the board and she stepped back to examine it, but then we both heard the front door unlock.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"Shoot. I didn't know she was coming home early today." I stood up from my position and walked over to the front door.

I saw my mom entering the house, holding grocery bags.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh!" She turned around and saw me. "I decided to come home early, do you need any help with the poster?"

"Actually- no. We just finished it."

"That's good to hear. Offer some snacks, I'm sure he's hungry."

"Him?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why? Is it a-"

"No- no, it's fine." I waved my hands up in the air in front of me. "I gotta go put the poster away."

Then I rushed out of the room and ran towards the living room.

I saw Serena petting Chu which made me smile a bit.

She saw me and asked, "So?"

"Nothing really. My mom's just home." Ash sighed.

"Does she know I'm here?"

"Of course she does, I just hope see doesn't find out where we are." He frowned.

"Why's that?"


Before I could finish his sentence, my mom ran into the room.

She wore a long lilac purple skirt with a yellow under shirt and a pink sweater. She had mahogany hair with light brown eyes.

"Oh, I didn't know that it was a girl that was coming over!" She yelled, almost flailing her arms around.

"Because, that's why." Ash sighed as his mother walked towards our project.

"Oh my gosh! It looks so good!" She clapped her hands together.

She turned around and saw Serena. She was making a confused face, I wouldn't blame her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Delia, Ash's mother."

She held out her hand and Serena took it. They shaked hands and then my mom hugged Serena off guard.

"Eh, mom, you can go now." I stood up and put his hands up in front of me again.

"Oh no!" She released me from the hug and rushed over to Ash. "What happened?" She examined my bandaged finger.

"I- I kind of stapled my finger." I sweat dropped.

"Oh honey, come with me. I'll go out some ice on it." She put her hand on my back and pushed me towards the kitchen.

Before I was pushed out of the living room I saw Serena there in a "I don't know what the hell just happened" look.

"You should invite her for dinner!" My mom exclaimed excitedly.


"Yes honey?"

"It's not like I'm gonna date her, it's not like she likes me. Im out of her league, there's no way she would fall for a guy like me. Plus, we move like every 6 months just like every year, I leave my friends and now it's going to be the same result, so just stay out of it."

My mom frowned, disappointed.

"I- I got to go." I turned back around and headed towards the living room.

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