Love. Sadness. Anger. Fear.

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Ash's P.O.V

I felt my heartbeat give out another wave. This one made me warm, my blood boiling as my rage surged through my body.

I lifted Calem by the collar and heard Serena say, "Guys stop!"

I looked over at her and pushed her away, not wanting her to get into the fight, but the moment I pushed her away, I saw a light at the corner of my eye, coming closer towards Serena.

I let go of Calem's collar and put my hand out, reaching out for her.

I heard everyone gasp or scream, turning away or reaching out for her like I did.


The car in front of her pulled on the brakes, but it was to late.

The next thing I knew, Serena was laying down in the middle of the rode in front of the car. Her hat thrown to side.

I felt my heart give off a final beat, falling down to my stomach as it shot a wave throughout my body. Love. Sadness. Anger. Fear. All of those emotions mixed up in my body as I ran towards Serena, laying limp on the floor.

"Serena! Oh my god! Serena!" I knelt down next to her, my tears falling down on the pavement, my heartbeat sending waves throughout my body every time it pumped. I saw her hand resting next to her side and took it, holding it as hard as I could.

The person driving the car opened their car door and looked down at the scene in horror.

"Oh my god." The driver breathed and then she ran away somewhere to go get someone for help.

Everyone behind me ran towards the scene or instead, screamed in fear that their friend was dead as they saw the person they've known for so long, on floor of the parking lot.

My vision got blurry as I rocked back and forth as Serena laid there motionless and didn't say anything.

"Serena please." I whispered under my breath.

"Serena!" Calem knelt down on his knees and looked at her, his feelings probably the same as mine, but full of hatred. His tears rolled down his face onto the same pavement as more people gathered around her.

I saw Bonnie cry into Clemont's leg as she yelled, "Serena can't die!", tears falling down her cheeks.

"This is all because of you!" Calem turned around at me, his eyes full of his tears that soon fell down his cheeks.

"I didn't- I didn't mean to!" Be I yelled through my tears, my hand still wrapped around Serena's.

Everyone cried around me, traumatized.

I felt something in my hand. I looked down and it was the one that was holding Serena's hand.

I watched it, blocking out Calem's yelling. I saw it move, her fingers twitching. I felt my heart rise back up slightly. Then her fingers moved again, wrapping her fingers around my hand.

"Serena?" I felt more tears fall down my cheeks. I looked up at her, she still didn't make any sound or movement.

"Serena!" I cried. "Please! Don't go!" More tears fell down my face, landing onto her hand.

Then my heart skipped a beat. I saw her lips move.

Everyone went silent as they heard her say something.

"A- Ash..." She said, her voice trembly.

My eyes widened as I heard my name. Everything seemed to freeze, my heartbeat the only thing I was able to hear. My grip tightened around Serena's hand.

A tear fell down the side of her cheek and then she tightened her grip around my hand as well.

"I'm sorry!" I cried.

Serena's P.O.V

I felt an aching feeling in my stomach and head, both of them both seemed to be spinning. I felt someone hold my hand, tighter and tighter as I tried to wake up. For some reason I wanted Ash. I felt safer around him. I felt the hand tighten its grip on mine. Then I felt something pass the side of my cheek. I then realized that I was crying. I heard voices. Voices that I could recognize.

One of the voices yelled out, "I'm sorry!"

Ash. He was the one holding my hand. It tried to open my eyes as I felt pain rush to my head again.

When I opened my eyes it was blurry. My eyes started to focus and I saw sky, the moon a bright blue as it hanged above me.

I took my left hand, the one that Ash wasn't holding and placed it on top of my forehead.

I heard people gasp or scream as I did. I put my hand back down the pavement and pushed myself up, my sides hurting, but still not as much as my head. I looked around, but stopped once I saw Ash, tears streaming down his face as his eyes starred into mine.

Before I could say anything or realize what happened, he jumped forward towards me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me towards him into a hug, my eyes widening as he did, time stopping around me as he yelled, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Repeatedly.

I felt more tears form as my seal broke into a thousand pieces that was supposed to stop me from breaking. But I broke anyway. I cried into his shoulder. I still don't know why I cried. Maybe because I kept in my emotions for so long. Or maybe because he hugged me? I didn't know and I didn't care and instead, I continued to cry into his shoulder as he cried into mine.

I heard people around me yell out, which continued the time continuum and everything went back into motion. I was released from the hug and Ash stepped back, as people pushed by him yelling things like,

"Are you alright!?"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Thank god."

"Serena! Im so happy that you're alright!"

I didn't know what was going on as I rushed to wipe my tears away.

I looked through the crowd and saw the same headlights in front of me. My memory rushed back to when I saw the headlights and remembered what happened with Calem and Ash.

Some people started to pull on my arms and pull me up from the ground, my head still aching. I looked around and saw everyone smile as tears fell down their cheeks or just plain smiling at relief that I wasn't dead.

I told you this was going to end up killing me.

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