Christmas Day

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Serena's P.O.V

It was the last day of school till Winter Break and everyone was hyped, except for me and Ash. Ash seemed to be depressed all Social Studies and Math which got me worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked as we stepped into the cafeteria.

"I- I'm moving on Christmas Day."

I felt my heart slowly break. I knew we was leaving around Christmas, but Christmas Day? That's ridiculous.

"What?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Yeah... I'm trying to convince my mom to not move or at least not on Christmas Day, but she doesn't seem to be considering anything." He looked ahead of him at the lunch line, his eyes empty.

I looked down at the tile floor and asked, "Do you have a crush on anybody?"

"Uh..." He looked at me in surprise. "Why are you asking?"

"No reason. Just thought that I would ask."

I felt my heart race.

"No." He starred back ahead of him, me following his actions.

After we neared the end of the line he asked me, "Do you have a crush?"

"No." I looked in the opposite direction of him.

"You don't like Calem?"

"What? No. He's just a friend." I looked back down at the tile floor.

"Oh- okay."

Ash's P.O.V

I never thought Serena would ask me something like that. I wish I told her that I had a crush on her, but there's no way I would be able to just tell her like that.

I was kinda happy that she didn't have a crush on Calem too, not gonna lie.


It was finally the end of the day which meant that we were finally out of school and on Winter Break, which meant that I should probably be hyped, but I'm not. Not for my Christmas at least.

"So you're moving Christmas Day!?" Gary jumped out of his bus seat.

"Yeah." I sat up and walked to the front of the bus, Gary following.

"Dude that's so not cool."

"I don't really care what day it is." I jumped off the bus steps. "I'm just upset that I'm leaving."

"I would be upset too I guess." Gary walked up besides me. "So are you going to say goodbye to everyone?"

"Already did."

"What? When?"

"When I was at school." I kicked the small pile of snow that was in front of me as we walked.

"Okay then." Gary put his hands over his shoulders. "Well I wish you luck wherever you're moving."


"Anyway, got to go. Smell ya later." He headed towards his house.

As he walked away I wondered if I would ever see him again.


Days passed by as me and my mom packed up. It was painful when I had to pack something, a striking pain entering my body every time I did.

Everyday I checked my phone to see if Serena would text me, but she never did.

It was Christmas Eve and still no text from her until finally it was Christmas Day.

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