Field Trip

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Ash's P.O.V

Four days have passed now since school first started. It's now Friday and I'm heading over to Math. I've been doing good in all my classes so far, I just hope I can keep them that way. Me and Serena have both been talking about our poster and how it will look. I don't know why, but I can't wait till she comes over to my house on Saturday. But at the same time I'm a little nervous for some reason.

"Where should we put this?" Serena asked as she help up the American and Nazi flag.

"I don't know, where ever you want to put them." I shrugged. "Shouldn't we put the Japan flag as well?"

"I guess we could, but we got to figure out where to put these first." Serena frowned.

"Maybe on the corners?" I asked.

"No, we are already putting the pictures there."

"Well how about in the middle, putting them on each side of the board?"

"I guess. Maybe we shouldn't do it at all." Serena put the two items away in her backpack and zipped it up.

"Do you wanna talk about it later at lunch?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess we shouldn't worry about it till Saturday though." Serena sighed.

"I guess you're righ-" I felt someone push against my back and my legs give out from under me, leading me to fall. I felt the cold tile floor once I hit it. I opened my eyes and saw that Serena was hovering over me with worried eyes.

I pushed myself up and looked to the side of me and saw Barry.

"Are you alright?" Serena asked, worriedly.

Before I could say anything, Barry yelled, "Hey! If you run into me again I'm going to sue you!"

"First of all, we're only 13, I don't think you can sue me and second of all, it was you who ran into me!" I stood up.

Serena stood up with me and said, "Come on, we gotta go to Math!" She pulled on my arm.

I decided to go with her and we headed over to Math, but along the way we talked.

"Why were you so worried? I only fell." I asked, as sympathetic as I could.

"I-" she looked away and looked over at the wall of the hallway instead and didn't say anything else.

I decided to ignore it and instead, I decided to change the subject.

"Have you been in this school since 7th grade?"

"Yeah. It's used to be all worn down, but now their upgrading more stuff like the computers, I just hope they could make better food." Serena laughed.

She had the cutest laugh. I thought that she would just keep on ignoring me.

"Well, I've tasted worse for the past years." I sweat dropped.

"That's hard to believe." Serena smiled.

"Well, you better believe it, cause I've been through much worse food then this! And I had to eat it!" I gagged, making Serena laugh again.

I got this warm feeling when I was around her, I didn't know why, but it made me all nervous.

We soon reached math and after that, we headed towards lunch. I got myself a pizza and headed over to my table and she went to hers. I felt a huge wave of relief that I finally could be worry free about me embarrassing myself around her. For some reason I didn't want to make a fool out of myself when I was with her, maybe because I didn't want her to stop being my friend.

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