Phone Number

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Serena's P.O.V

It's been 3 days since Fall Break started now and I've just been plain bored. There's nothing to do in my house.

My mom has been making me practice my horseback riding. You would think she wouldn't make her daughter ride a horse after being hit by a car and getting a concussion. BUT NOPE. Instead I've been out there, riding my mother's horse, Mal, for the past 2 days. I still don't have my own horse, which is pretty disappointing, but then again, I don't really care. Mal's been there ever since I started horseback riding and I think I would just ride Mal anyway if I got a horse of my own.

I wanted to go over to Ash's house, but I didn't even have his phone number to text him and ask him. I guess I could walk, but that would be pretty rude, plus if it turned out he said no, I would have to walk all the way back to my house.

It was 11:32am and I was already bored so I decided to take out my iPhone and text Dawn.

I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my phone that was on the desk next to me and texted her, "I'm bored"

After about 30 seconds she replied, "Me too"

"Do you by any chance have ashs phone number and don't you dare ask why" I asked.


"I told you not to ask why"

"I know that's why I asked 😜" She replied.

"Just tell me if you have it or not"

"Okay, okay don't ask me where I got it from though"

She then texted me his phone number and I put it in my contacts and went back to messages.

"Where did you get it?" I asked, laughing on the other side of the phone hoping it would aggravate her.

"I totally called that you were going to ask that 😆 i got it from gary, just in case you asked for it 😉"

"Damn you"

"You're welcome"

Dawn. Agh. Of course she would do something like that.

Fenn came into my room and laid down on the bed next to me.

I started to pet Fenn on the head with my left hand as I looked up at the screen and then started to text Ash.

"Can I come over? I'm bored and btw this is Serena"

It took him forever to reply. I waited a whole half hour until he replied and texted, "Um sure but how did you get my phone number"

Crap. Didn't think that he would ask that.

"I got it from dawn who got it from Gary" I replied, hoping that he wouldn't think that was weird that I asked Dawn for it.

"Oh okay can you come over at 3? My moms making me do my chores"

"K See ya" I put the phone down and I couldn't help but squeal. I just hoped that I wouldn't do anything stupid that would embarrass myself while I was there.

Ash's P.O.V

I was finally done with my chores. I sat own at my desk and saw that someone texted me on my phone. I opened it up and I the text read, "Can I come over? I'm bored and btw this is Serena"

Serena? How did she get my phone number?

"Um sure but how did you get my phone number?" I asked.

She quickly replied, "I got it from dawn who got it from Gary."

I guess that made sense, but why would Gary give dawn my phone number? Most of all why did Dawn give Serena my phone number? Let alone why would Serena want to come over? I thought she would be ignoring me this whole break and school year after what happened.

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