The Green Bus

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Serena's P.O.V

It was Wednesday and I was heading towards my next class, Social Studies with Ash.

"I'm so glad we finished the project." I sighed.

"Same. I heard that Gary hasn't even started it." Ash laughed.

"What!? But isn't it due today?"

"Yep." He smirked.

I laughed because of how Ash was happy about Gary not being done with his project.

Once we reached Social Studies we presented. From the looks of it, it seemed like we did good n the project, with Mr. Birch smiling and examining the poster as we talked about World War II.

After that, the rest of the day went pretty smoothly and quickly. Including the day after that, everyone was hyped for the field trip. No one really knew what to expect though, Gary seemed to be hating on the field trip while others seemed to be already loving the field trip even though we haven't even left school for it yet.

Ash's P.O.V

It's finally Friday, which means that we're all going to Disney Land today.

I don't know how I feel about this trip now because of Gary, he pointed out all the bad and terrible things about it, which made me kinda not want to go, but Serena's going and I don't want to be alone at home while everyone goes on the field trip.

We were all waiting at the front of the school. No one was there yet, except for our team, since we had to leave early. We all had to wait for the bus that's supposed to come at 7:00am. Right now it's 6:45 and I'm tired as crap. I've never got up this early except for when I was like 5 and I needed to go to someone's party. Who the hell schedules a party that early? And then the worst thing was that I would of been late if it wasn't for my mom, she goes to work this early and she ended up waking me up at 6:24 when my alarm clock was supposed to ring at 6:10- I guess I sorta hit the snooze button. So I got ready really quickly and mom ended up dropped my me off on her way to work.

I still don't see Serena though, which makes me worried.


I turned around and saw Serena in her regular day outfit.

"How early does this field trip have to be? I only got like 4 hours of sleep." Serena yawned.

"I don't know. You're lucky, you got only 3 hours of sleep. What time did you get up?" I laughed.

She sighed and said, "I got up at four."

"Four!? How in the world can you wake up that early?"

"I guess I was too excited for the field trip cause I ended up not being able to fall back asleep because I kept thinking about Disney Land and all the rides." She laughed. "What ride are you going to get on first?"

"I don't know exactly." I put my arms behind my head to create a head rest. "I'm probably just gonna get on the first one I see."

It became quite awhile, until I saw Gary walking over. He seemed more tired then the both of us.

"Oh. My. Gosh." He stood up in front of me, his eyes droopy. "I had to walk and I only got 30 minutes of sleep."

"How!?" Serena asked.

"I usually stay up till 3:00am and for I decided to go get a late night snack. I looked through the fridge and since I was so tired I thought that what I grabbed was ginger ale and instead it turned out to be a Monster energy drink." He yawned.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"What kind of person does that?" I laughed.

"Me apparently." He yawned.

Serena's P.O.V

After everyone finally arrived, we all talked until the bus came. We waited for the bus until eventually came and the teachers gathered us up by classes. Period 1 of Social Studies went in the red bus and Period 2 Science went on the blue bus, while period 3 Math (us) goes on the green bus. So that meant that Iris, Misty, Gary, Ash, and me were on the green bus.

I was first one in line, so I got to get in first, which meant I got the back seat. I sat down in the one to the back right and looked out the window seeing the front of the school. I felt the seat lift up a bit and I turned around to see that Ash was sitting next to me. Why me? Out of everyone he could sit with, he sat with me. My hopes started to lift up that he liked me back.

I looked up and saw Gary looking down on us.

"Hey Ashy-boy, why you sitting with her?"

"Shut up will ya?" Ash said.

"I just wanna know why. What's so bad about that?" Gary smirked.

"Cause I can." Ash pushed on Gary's face with the palm of his hand and pushed Gary back down in his seat, causing me to laugh.

Once the bus got moving, I felt myself getting sleepy. The teachers said it was going to be an 8 hour drive, so I figured I could take a nap, especially since I only had 4 hours of sleep.

I eventually drifted off and fell asleep.


Everything was black, but then I could hear people talking and then I heard laughing that sounded familiar. I opened my eyes and saw Gary, his iPhone in hand and holding it up in front of him as he laughed. Then I noticed that I was resting my head on Ash's shoulder. I jumped up and saw that he was fast asleep, thank goodness.

I saw Ash slowly open his eyes and the he sat up in his seat.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You fell asleep stupid." Gary said, still laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Ash asked, sleepily.

"This!" He turned his phone around for us to see, and what we saw, woke us up and made me blush a deep red.

He shows us the picture he took of us sleeping. I was resting my head on Ash's shoulder while his head rested on top of mine.

"Delete that!" Ash barked.

"No way, not until I send it to everyone!" Gary sat back down in his seat.

"Gary!" Ash stood up front his seat and jumped into the Gary's seat. "Delete it!"

"I will, I will. Just wait, I'm almost done sending it to Kenny, Paul, May, Dawn, Misty, Iris, Drew, Clemont, and of course you. I just wish I had Serena's phone number."

"How did you get my friend's phone numbers!?" I jumped up from my seat and looked down at Gary sending the photos.

"I just asked them for them." Gary said.

I fell down in my seat and cupped my face in my hands. I told you that this was going to be the death of me.

"Gary!" Ash reached for Gary's phone, but failed as the photos were sent.

Once they were all sent, Gary handed Ash his phone and Ash read aloud the text message with the picture, "Cutest couple in Jr. High #ashXserena"

I died. Right then, right there. Now all my friends were going to see the picture.

"Oh come on Ashy-boy, this just proves that you and Serena are dating." Gary laughed.

"No, we are not dating! We are just friends and we will always be!" Ash yelled at Gary.

I felt my heart as if someone took a knife and stabbed it. "Always be friends"? Did that mean that he didn't like me back? That he didn't have the same feelings for me? I felt a frown grow on my face. Maybe this field trip wasn't going to be a blast after all.

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